Chapter 39 Future Holds

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It's been a few months since Graduation and Melody coming home. The transition and getting used to not having Logan around all the time anymore was a foreign feeling that took some getting used to. I no longer had tutor sessions with him , we now met up at youth group , no more carpooling since he got a car as a graduation gift, and no more seeing him come downstairs in the morning. It was strange but in a good way. We were now in a more serious relationship after my dad's talk a few months ago and it was a good thing that we weren't getting so used to living under the same roof anymore. Being not married and all.

But , summer was off to a great start and slowly starting to wind down as I started dorm shopping. It was strange having to almost 'decorate ' a whole other bedroom for myself but it was sure a lot of fun. Savannah got accepted into Princeton so she wouldn't be going to school with me this upcoming fall . Shawn is studying here in Georgia so the only person I'll REALLY know there would be Logan , which is not that bad if you think about it.

I've got most of the 'college necessities ' packed and ready there were just a few little things I still needed like stationery and toiletries. Nothing too major. It was our last weekend of summer for Logan and I since we needed to arrive early on campus for check in and all that plus having over a day's trip to make there. So we'll be making it over two days , spending the night at my Aunt Marie's house in Texas. She was my dad's youngest sister and was more than happy to house Logan and I for the night . It not only gave us a good night sleep before a long road ahead to Cali but also gave me some time to catch up with my cousins. Aunt Marie had two sons and a little girl. Tyler and Jake were both a year younger than I am so we grew up being pretty close. And then little Anna just turned five. I was looking forward to spending some time with them. But first , we had a Barbeque to enjoy with Logan and I's family. Sort of like a farewell dinner if you will.

While dad and Logan were keeping an eye on the meat , Aunt Tanya and Melody were doing the side dishes while mom and I started on dessert. We decided on making Chocolate ganache cake - my favorite - and an apple pie for Logan. That way we got best of both worlds.

"Amaya sweetie , would you mind taking your father and Logan's drinks out to them please ?" Mom asked , handing me the glasses of Lemonade.

Walking out to the patio I could clearly hear my dad and Logan in yet another serious conversation but this time in a more lighter mood , not as heavy.

"And what were you thinking of majoring in Logan ?" I hear my dad ask while I walk up to them.

"Here you go." I say with a smile , handing their drinks to them.

"Thank you sweetheart. Say , we were just talking about some college stuff does your momma need you in there or can you join us ?"

"Uh... sure. " I said , taking a seat across from them.

"Well sir , I uh was thinking of Majoring in Mechanical engineering and then in my last year taking an online course in Ministry. "

"Wow , that's very impressive. And what made you think of going into Ministry as well ?" Dad said intrigued while I just listened intently.

"Well for obvious reasons first of , you being such a big inspiration in my life and the fact that I want to be able to touch and change people's lives just like God used you all to touch and change mine. I want to be able to make a difference you know ?"

"I understand completely what you mean. And I'm glad that if that is something God placed on your heart , that you're willing to persue it. Follow your dreams son and make the world a better place." My dad said proud while I couldn't help but smile at the scene unfolding before me .

"What about you Amaya ?" Logan said , directing their attention to me now.

"Well , I've decided to major in Pre law. " I said with a smile.

"Wow ! That's uh , amazing !" Logan said surprised. To be honest I would be too but it took me a lot of time to decide which road I wanted to take in life. And after everything with my parents and custody when I was younger ,Melody and her health plan, I wanted to be able to make a difference in people's life and be a voice to the voiceless. Change the way the world see and do things. And that's what I'm hoping to achieve here.

"I'm so proud of you both. Seeing you grow into these incredible human beings and members of society. I can't wait to see how the Lord is going to use the two of you in the future. " Dad said proud before my mom called me back inside.

I was glad to see my dad getting along with Logan and Logan for having a father figure in his life again. It's strange how things turned out in the end and the way how God uses people to change people. It still amazes me everyday and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

It's short I know. But I've only got one chapter left maybe an epilogue if you would like that (comment for epilogue and I'll write it ) and I want to make the last chapter a little longer for you guys. I hope you enjoyed it, thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺


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