Chapter 32 PROMposals

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Finals week was officially over and it was FINALLY Prom week. And let me tell you , Prom fever was at an all time high at school. Everyday there were ATLEAST 5 promposals so you could imagine the amount of chaos, squealing girls and guys doing silly things to get the girl to say yes. Prom was two days away so why everyone waited until the very last second to STILL do promposals was beyond me. But it was cute to see nonetheless so I actually admired it.

I would've gone with Aiden but since everything happend it obviously wasn't a factor anymore. I've even considered taking Shawn but decided against it , he was still pretty beat up about me saying no. So instead I decided to go solo.

I didn't need a date right?

It just makes the night more fun having to only worry about yourself. It's all about self discovery and being you. Discovering and showing the you that DOESN'T need anyone around you to feel validated or good. It's like walking in solo to prom is making a statement and saying ; hello world ! This is me ! And the more I thought about it , the more the idea started to grow on me. So much so that I ACTUALLY started looking forward to the night.

" did you remember to make your hair appointment ? "

"Yes mom. "

"And your nails ! Don't forget to get your nails done tommorow. "

"Yes mom. "

"Oh ! And of course yo-"

"Mom, " I said , taking her hands in mine and stopping her mid ramble. "I've got this. Everything's sorted out. The hair , nails , dress , everything. Don't worry about it." I said with a smile.

"It's just... I want this night to be PERFECT for you. Going to Prom is not only a right of passage but it's like ... like a pre-wedding you know ? You get the opportunity to dress up and look pretty. Spoil yourself and have a great time. That's why I want everything to go smoothly Thursday. "

"I know , and thank you mom for being so considerate . I love you so much. " I said , giving her a hug.

"And I , love you. " She said sweetly , poking my nose playfully as we pulled back.

After that , my mom left for work and my dad left early this morning so I had the rest of the morning to get the last of my ducks in a row for Prom. And after quite a productive morning I decided a snack and a good movie was in order. Flipping through Netflix , I pressed play on Tallgirl. 

Naturally , I've invited Savannah but she decided that TODAY she was getting her nails done for Prom so I didn't push it and popped some popcorn for myself and cuddled up with a blanket.


"In here !" I called from the living room, not even peering my eyes from the screen .

"Whatcha watching? " Logan asked , hopping onto the couch beside me .

"Tall girl. "

"Ah , chick flick. " he said while I just gave him a playful eyeroll and he began throwing popcorn in my hair. At first I wanted to hit him with that bowl but then I realized, it's just a movie. I could always finish it in my room later . So then I began throwing popcorn back at him - to which he caught in his mouth almost perfectly each time -

"Yes ! 10 points Amaya !" I fist pumped in the air .

"Okay that's fair. " he said laughing while picking the kernels out of his hair. "You want some coffee? "

"Sure!" I said , starting to clean up while he started on our drinks.

"Where are your parents ?" He asked from the kitchen while I tucked the blanket neatly into the basket again.

"They're at work. Well , mom is . Dad's running some errands . Why ?"

"Just wondering. " he said while I heard him laugh innocently for being so curious .

"Here you go ." He said, handing me my cup while I took it acceptingly , the sweet aroma wafting through the air sending me on a coffee high. I feel like I've never really liked the taste of coffee but after finals being so brutal - and I basically lived and breathed coffee to stay awake - the taste kind of grew on me. So now ... It's like in my veins. It's a part of me now.

"So , how are you post Aiden ? Or should we rather not talk about it ?" He said , sitting next to me while I sipped slowly on my coffee , not really knowing how to say it. "If you don't want to talk about it I get it. Don't feel forced to tel-"

"It's fine. I'm fine. It's just ... weird you know ? It's like you've spent so much of your time with this person all the time and suddenly , it's gone. THEY'RE gone. It's like a piece of you is missing . You know ?"

"I know exactly what you mean. "

"Right? But I try not to think about it too much cause everything happens for a reason. And maybe... maybe this was just , part of God's plan you know ?" I said , taking another big sip of my coffee.

"That's a really nice way to see it Amaya. I admire you for it."

"Well , thank you Logan. That's really sweet of you to say. " I said with a smile .

"I'll be right back." He said , rushing off into the garage.

"Um , okay ?" I said confused while I drank the last of my coffee. And as mindlessly and distracted I was , I still would've thought I was imagining things if I DIDN'T just see this with my own two eyes. At the very bottom of my mug , incraved in the cutest, tiniest print read the word PROM ? And when I looked up in confusion- as if this was some silly joke - I was met with Logan standing on one knee, holding a cheesy banner reading ' I know this is last minute but I'm still trying to do this in good spirit. So will you please give me the honour from all the time we've spent , to go to Prom with me as a friend ? ' it wasn't romantic or cliché but it was SO Logan. So seeing him stand there with a big banner , holding a bouquet of roses and asking me to prom in his own special way , how could I have turned that down ?

"Yes ." I said with a smile while he got up .

"Yes ?" He said in disbelief .

"Yes Logan, I'll go to Prom with you. "

"Yes ! " he fist pumped in the air " I mean , thank you ." He said recollecting himself while I couldn't help but let out a giggle that something as simple as going to prom with him as a friend could mean so much to him. But I guess , as much as I wouldn't like to admit it , not having to go solo anymore DID bring me some sort of comfort - even if it was only as friends -

"Don't mention it , pal. " I said playfully shoving him while I walked back upstairs.

If thought of where to end this and here seemed pretty good to me. I find that the longer I make a chapter,  the harder it is for me to end/ continue with new ideas rather than just starting a new chapter. But then again, I'm running out of chapters since I don't want to turn this into a book with 60+ chapters so I'm slowly starting to wrap this up... ANYWAY! Thank you so much for reading,  I hope you enjoyed it. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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