Chapter 2 Is it just me or is it a little Vague?

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"Did you hear the news about Aunt Tanya yet ?" Mom says as we continue indulging ourselves in chocolate brownies .

"No, is she okay ?"

"She is . They moved her into a room this morning , she has her operation scheduled for Thursday."

"That's great ! That means she's no longer on the waiting list and that she'll get better soon. See mom , I told you , God will provide." I say , taking her hand in mine.

My mom and her sister have  been close since they were kids . The best of friends. When they got older and started moving away and working they drifted apart and lost touch . That's until Aunt Tanya moved close to us a couple of years back , that they regained touch and became close again. It's a tragic romance if you think about it ...

"I knew He would sweetie . Never had a doubt. Because God is good all the time . "

"And all the time ," I say with a smile.

"God is good." Savannah chirps in 

"When can we go visit her ?" I ask , setting my plate in the dishwasher. 

"We can visit her anytime from Thursday morning. They said they still had some tests to run and it'll really tire her out before surgery so they suggested it would be best if we waited until Thursday . But don't worry , it's only two days ."

"I know ... I just ... I really wanted to see her before the surgery but with school I won't be able to see her until 3." I say sad , that I wouldn't be able to see my favorite aunt for 2 days !

"Well , think of it this way ; that way you'll be the first person she'll see after the surgery.  That's pretty special too don't you think ?"

"I guess ..." I trailed off thinking that my mom may be right.

"Thank you for the DELICIOUS dessert Helen , but I got to get going.  Mom's waiting for me. See you later Maya ." Sav says , giving us each a hug before heading out.

"You seem quiet . Anything interesting happend at the mall that you're not telling me ?" Mom fished while I wished I wasn't this predictable .

"Mom , I had a poor choice of judgment today and now Savannah has put all these ideas into my head - That I know aren't even true - but I just can't seem to shake it !"

"Tell me all about it. "

And that's when I told my mother about the whole me thinking Logan was cute- before I knew it was him- and everything Sav said that just keeps replaying in my head.

"Well, that is something. But , the way I see it ; you didn't know it was him when you said those things.  And even after you knew it was him it is okay if you thought he was cute . Just because  you agree that he is good looking doesn't mean you're standing on the verge of marrying him! " she says laughing "so it's okay . This doesn't change anything because God called us to love on another like He loved us. So relax sweetheart. This means absolutely nothing. "

I never knew how wise my mother could be . And how deep her words could hit home. I never even thought of it this way . And like always , she's right. There's no use to get myself all rattled up by what Sav thinks she saw , because nothing happend and it meant absolutely nothing. He's still a jerk and nothing will ever change that .

"Thanks mom , you always know exactly what to say ." I say giving her a hug.

*2 days later*

"I'm sorry I couldn't have been here sooner,  I really wish I could but school you know ." I say with a chuckle.

"It's okay , I understand sweetie.  Your Education is more important." Aunt Tanya says as I stroke her hand.

"How are you feeling ?"

"Honestly,  still a little drowsy from the anesthetics but I'll survive."

"You're really lucky to have this whole room to yourself with no one to bother you ." I say while looking around the massive hospital room.

"It does seem that way doesn't it,  but actually it's pretty lonely. I have no one to keep me company when you all leave and it's kind of boring too.  You know I like a bit of adventure in my life." She says , reminding me of her former,  chirpy and adventurous self.

"Oh I know ALL about your adventures " I say as we both started laughing.

My aunt can get into quite some trouble when she feels like it , probably why she and my mother get along so well , they both have this side to them that no one knows about . Except , my mother tends to hide it better than Aunt Tanya . A LOT better.

"So , tell me , any boys in your life yet ?"

" boys?  Pff , come on Aunt Tanya you know me a LITTLE better than that don't you think ? I don't have time to run around chasing guys . And besides, there's simply no one who caught my eye yet . " I say with a shrug as she shook her head disapprovingly .

"We all need a little adventure in our life dear. But sometimes you just got to go out and catch it !"

"I don't think I know what you mean by that exactly. "

"Oh you'll find out soon enough  . Just you wait. " she says giving me a wink as I just starred at her confused.

It must be the anesthetics talking.

Must be.

"Yeah ... okay. Um , I have to get going now Aunt Tanya,  have a lot of homework to do . But I promise I'll stop by tomorrow after school again ." I said , grabbing my backpack .

"Can't wait. "

This was probably the best and the strangest moment I've had with my Aunt , yet it all feels like it never even happend in the first place.

It just feels ... vague.

It's shorter than I thought it was going to be but starting a new story up from simply an idea in my head , is a lot harder than I remembered. Anyway hope you all enjoyed this little snip bit. Until next time, keep howling my wolves 🐺❤

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