Chapter 8 Call if you need me

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"So , tell me about yourself?" Aiden said , breaking the silence between us.

"Sure. What do you want to know ?"

"Anything. " he said as I for one didn't know WHERE to start. What's too much ? What's too personal ? Where do one even begin to talk about themself ?

I fiddled with my hands in my lap as I thought on how and what to answer , while he sat across from me expectantly waiting on my answer.

Gosh, I wish he doesn't find this weird...

*end of recap*

"I couldn't tie my laces until I was almost 13." Was the first thing that came to my mind and the first thing that I blurted out. And after I did , I so badly wish I could take it back.

I was beyond embarrassed now.

I know everyone has that ONE thing they couldn't do as a child, the one thing they were a little slower to learning than the rest of their friends , but this was mine. And it was embarrassing.

Silience sat between us as I mentally face palmed myself for saying that, as I waited for him to answer or atleast react in some way.

"That's okay , cause I can't throw a ball to save my life ! Why do you think I'm a doctor and NOT an NBA all star ? " he says with a chuckle as I start to feel a little better about myself. He thought it was funny and he could relate. That's kind of cool and makes me feel a whole of a lot less embarrassed about my situation.

"No way ! Me too ! I have like zero coordination!" I said as we both joined in laughter. Who would've thought our childhood flaws would be something we would bond over?

"Okay , okay . What was your most embarrassing moment ? " he said as our laughter started to die down.

"Oh that's easy. Forth grade. I fell down the stairs at school in front of my crush. I literally fell face first and landed at his feet at the bottom of the stairs. Worst day of my life !" I said as we once again both started laughing from a place of joy , out of our stomachs.

Our food came moments after as we enjoyed the delicious taste that filled our mouthes- that was known as , the best steak in the city -while we continued making small talk and laughing at and with each other every now and again.

Finishing our meal and Aiden paying , we then made our way back to the car, heading to the Cheesecake Factory for some dessert.

"You know, I had fun tonight..." I said as the night started winding down and the sky grew darker.

"You know , me too. I don't remember the last time I laughed this much . I really enjoyed it." Aiden replied as we continued our walk down the empty park while the street lamps illuminated our path.

"Can I can confess something? " I said slowly as I pinched my eyes shut , terrified for doing what I'm about to do .

"Sure. What's up ?" He said , stopping in his tracks and turning to face me.

"Today was kind of , sort of my first date. Ever..." I trailed off

Why I just admitted that and why I just made a complete and utter fool of myself , I still don't understand.

"I know. Your dad told me before we left. I don't mind it Amaya . Infact, I'm honoured to be your first ever date , and hopefully your last too." He said in a soft , gentle tone as he reached over and intertwined our hands.

My gaze instantly dropped to our hands as a warm feeling filled the pit of my stomach and a blush made it's way to my cheeks.

"I really like you Amaya and I intend to if you'd let me ." He said as I couldn't help but smile.

I didn't have the words nor an idea how to react to this. I was still overwhelmed by the new excited feeling I was experiencing.

So , instead he just held unto my hand as we made the walk back to his car.

The car ride home was silent, only filled with the sound of Bethel music playing in the background and the blush on my cheeks keeping me warm , as we made the ascent towards the driveway.

The sound of the ignition switching off brought me back from my distant state as I acknowledge him starring at me.

"Thank you so much for coming with me tonight . I really enjoyed it." He said as I smiled at his courtesy for thanking me for the night.

"Me too . I had fun. " I replied honestly as I saw his smile broaden.

And then it was silent again.


Nothing but awkwardness filled the air as we sat there , looking at each other.

And then ,

He opened his door as I got the hint that we were getting out now, that I opened mine and made my way to the front door alongside him.

Before turning the knob , I turned back , facing him again as he said ;

"I'll call you. Sweet dreams Amaya." He said sweetly as I watched him walk back to his car as I turned the door knob , still swooing over the night I just had.

I closed the door behind me as I was soon met with none other than my nosy parents.

Don't get me wrong , I love them both dearly! but sometimes ... they tend to get too invloved in certain areas of a teenage girl's life. You know ?

I love sharing everything with them but some things I'd like to keep just for myself . Does that make sense ?

Is it bad that I feel like that?

"Hi mom , dad. " I said with a smile as they observed my every move , waiting for me to elaborate on the night. "I think I'm going to head to bed , if you don't mind. Love you guys." I said , placing a kiss on each of their cheeks ,heading up stairs .

I fell backwards on the bed , just thinking about the amazing night I just had . Thinking over every intricate detail.

That's until a soft knock sounded from my door and I stood up to answer it.

"You have time for a quick snack before bed? " mom says, holding a plate of chocolate cookies and milk as I gave her a smile and a nod , letting her in.

"So how was the-" she started before I cut her off ,

"It was amazing mom! I had so much fun ! We talked a lot and found out we actually had a lot in common . And then after dessert we took a walk in the park as he intertwined our hands ! It gave me this warm and fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach that I still can't quite explain , but it was magical mom . " I said , with each word swooing a little more thinking back to it again for the millionth time tonight.

"It sounds like you had a wonderful evening sweetie. I'm so happy for you. " mom said excited , giving me a hug.

"And then , when we got here he said that he had fun tonight and that he'll call me !"

"That's great honey!"

We then continued to talk a little more before mom said good night and I was soon met with darkness as sleep over took me.

Okay , okay this was not my best work I know 🙈 infact this was a very painful chapter for me to write. The ideas and conversation just didn't flow as much as I thought it would , please don't kill me 😂 any hoo , thanks for reading this painful read , feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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