Chapter 9 Get lost

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"And then we took a walk in the park and it was -" I was sitting in between my two favorite grown ups, Aunt Tanya and Melody as I told them both about my magical evening last night with Aiden.

They both listened intently as I spoke , cooing every once and a while when I told them about something sweet Aiden did or said.

"He sounds lovely Amaya." Melody remarked after I finished, as a smile as wide and far as the moon spread across my face by the mention of him.

"I agree you should definitely bring him to meet us." Aunt Tanya said as I gave her a frown.

" you do know that he's a doctor right ?"

"Yeah ?"

"A doctor here. "

"Really!?" She said surprised by my answer though I don't know why she never put two and two together yet.

"Yeah" I said laughing at her reaction "he's Dr Carter "

"Dr Carter!? Well that's a fine young man ! You've got yourself a keeper there my dear." She says , giving me a wink as Melody and I just laughed at my aunt's weird reaction to this so called ' new information '

" I don't get what's so funny ?" She says confused,  causing Melody and I to laugh even harder , if even possible.

"Seriously? " she says again , as our laughter started to die down.

"It's okay Aunt Tanya , we didn't mean anything by it. We're just surprised you've never put two and two together since I met him here. Exactly , here. Right outside the door after I met Melody and Logan. Well,  Melody. " I said , giving her a smile.

"Speaking of ," Melody started,  changing the topic as my aunt just stared thoughtfully off into space , thinking back .

"How are you in Chemistry? "

"Chemistry? I won't say I'm the best but I have a B average. Why ?" I ask curiously, directing my full attention to Melody. 

"Don't be modest! That's great honey ! Better than I can say about Logan. Which brings me to my next question. I got a call from his teacher and if he doesn't get his grade up to aleast a C he won't graduate. And God knows I want that kid to graduate. He makes me worry !" She says , letting out a frustrated sigh as I can't help but giggle at her reaction. Not in a disrespecting way that is , but in a I know what you mean and I can just imagine how you must feel kind of way. "So , I guess my question to you is ; would you be willing to tutor him in Chemistry,  just until he gets his grade up ?" She asked hopeful as I didn't have the words to answer her .

It's not like I didn't want to help her,  because I do . It's just,  how do I tell her that her son's not particularly fond of me , or anyone for that matter.

"I would love to Melody , but I don't think he'll agree to me tutoring him , if you know what I mean ?" I said, hoping and praying she does so I won't have to explain to her how rude her son ACTUALLY is. Cause, that's just demeaning for a mother to hear .

"Oh,  don't you worry about him. I'll handle him ." She says , giving me a wink as I tried giving her a believable  smile , though on the inside I was starting to panic.

And as if sensing the mention of his name Mr unbelievable himself walked through the door.

His eyes scanned across the room looking for his mother before it landed on me , sitting beside her.

As if reading his distasteful thoughts towards me I took this as my cue to leave. I kissed Aunt Tanya on the cheek before giving a hug to Melody and an acknowledging nod to Logan , before scurrying out of the room.

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