Chapter 15 Fly by

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"See, so Atoms are basically units of matter and the defining structure of elements. " I finished explaining, watching Logan as the gears in his head started turning, taking in what I just said .

"Okay ..." he trailed off , though I'm not sure if he fully understood it , maybe I'll have to explain it a third time ?

"Do you need me to explain it again ?" I asked in a soft tone, watching him sigh in frustration .

He's been a lot more quiet since our grocery store encounter. Not much like himself .

It was kind of strange but I didn't dare bring it up , too afraid he'll explode and turn back into his 'charming' self again.

"No ,no I understand it." He said nonchalant, but I could see he didn't. So I went over it once more anyway.

"Thanks " he said with a small crack of a smile.

Okay,that's next level weird .

"No problem " I said with a smile , closing my handbook.

"Do you mind if I practice some more ? I know our time is up it's just - I've got this big make up test tommorow and -"

"It's okay. I don't mind." I said , taking out a piece of paper and writing down some stuff for him to practice.

While he sat and practiced, I made the most of my time and did some practicing of my own ; Bible study .

Once a year we had a game night at Youth , it was a fun get together event for all the youth leaders and kids . So I was just brushing up on some things.

As the preacher's kid , I had a rep to protect.

"I don't get it ,"

"Get what ?" I said , turning my attention back to Logan.

Maybe I have to go over it again?

"How can you spend all of your time praying, going to church AND do homework for it . Don't you get tired doing all of that ?" He asked curiously, to which I was both surprised and excited at his question.

" I don't HAVE to do all of that , I choose to."

"Why ?"

"Because to me , it brings me closer to God . I understand Him better and why he does certain things. It's - It's almost like a relationship. Okay , scratch that it's EXACTLY like a relationship. The more time you spend with God ,the closer you get to him , and the stronger your relationship gets. It's amazing what you can do and learn." I say with a chuckle.

"Oh." Was his only response before he turned back to his test and me to my Bible studying.

There wasn't another word after that as he finished his practice exercises and left . I tried to convince him to stay for dinner because I knew he had no one at home waiting with a plate of food for him , but he just said he really had to get home. So I didn't push him any further.

Packing all of my school books up and taking it back upstairs, the doorbell sounded making me jog down the stairs at lightning speed -taking a quick glance at the clock on my way down- We weren't expecting any guests...

It was 7pm so that's usually when both my parents got home , so we almost never made arrangements around that time purely for that reason.

Opening the door I was both surprised and embarrassed to see Aiden standing on the other side.

"A-Aiden , hi !" I said , still trying to hide the fact that I looked like a complete utter mess with my sweatpants , messy bun and glasses - basically how I always look when I'm studying -

I wasn't ready to have him see me like this yet. I thought we would atleast be dating until he saw this side of me , but I guess it's a little too late for that now.

"Hey ! Do you mind if I come in ?"

"I mean um, my parents should be home any second now ... but sure I guess it'll be fine." I said , opening the door to him.

I wasn't trying to be rude or ungrateful because I was ecstatic that he was here - since he's been so busy lately - but I also didn't want to break my parent's rules about not being alone with boys in the house.

"So what are you doing here , not that I'm complaining!" I added quickly not to be sending mixed messages .

He just brushed it off with a chuckle saying ; "believe it or not , I came here to see you." I just playfully rolled my eyes at his silly joke while he continued. " turns out , I have a lot of leave that I never used , like A LOT of leave. Having worked so much overtime in my rookie year ,made me pile up on leave. So I took some time off . "

"That's amazing ! I'm so happy for you !" I said ,mindlessly hugging him. It was a foreign feeling and I guess it took him by surprise too because he stiffened under my touch , until relaxing and hugging me back.

"Thanks." He said sheepishly , releasing me from the hug- and rubbing the back of his neck - trying to hide the blush I could see forming on his cheeks.

"So what are you playing to do with it ? Go on a trip ? See some family? Oh ! What about -"

"I wanted to spend it with you, Amaya." His words cutting me off made the blush appear on my cheeks this time.


He wanted to spend his time off with me ?

"I- um... are you sure ?" I said in a soft tone of disbelief.

"Yes I'm sure." He said , laughing at my disbelief. "The whole reason I took some time off was to spend it with you." He said with a smile , while I on the other hand didn't know what to say back. So , he took that as his chance to continue.

"I'm still waiting for your parents to get home so I could talk to them too , but I was thinking maybe we could go on a road trip up to the outer banks in North Carolina ?"

"J-just the two of us ?" Why did I stutter!?

I watched as he laughed at me stumbling and the red reappearing on my cheeks as he answered ;

"Well yes and no. Yes , we'll be riding up together in my car but when we get there my parents will join us. We have a house on the beach so we're not completely alone. I know how important that moral is to you and your parents . And to me and mine as well. So , what do you say Amaya ?"

"Well...if it's okay with my parents... yes ! Definitely, absolutely!" I said excited, already planning my outfits in my head that I needed to pack.

I know that was maybe a little premature , but I don't see why my parent's wouldn't agree. Aiden's a nice, respectful gentleman . Who has the same views and morals as us , plus his family will be there the whole time! So I don't see why not.

"Great! " he said excited, fist pumping in the air.

It was an odd thing to see such a professional doctor do , but then I have to remind myself that he's technically still a kid , young I mean. He just got a head start at life before the rest of us.

And surely enough, he did ask my parents' approval when they got home . And after a long time discussing the agenda and terms , they agreed to let me go , making both Aiden and I jump up in excitement. If I didn't know any better , one would think we we're still 12 years old by the way we were acting.

But I didn't care ,because I was going on a week long trip with Aiden !!! You know , and his family too. But with Aiden !!!!

And I couldn't wait.

This weekend better fly by because I can't wait for Monday morning to come.

Another one bites the dust ! I'm lame I know 😂 but I'm so happy that this one is finally up because now the REAL fun can finally begin! Remember to leave a comment down below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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