Chapter 21 Hugs & Teases

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Walking down the stairs with Logan we could both smell the heavenly smell of fresh Waffles making its way through the house. Entering the kitchen we could see my mom dishing some waffles and fresh berries for us . I inwardly swooned . Yup , typical Friday in the Parker household.

"Does this happen everyday? " Logan whispered.

"What do you mean ? The breakfast? " I ask curious while he nod his head along . "Well yeah. I mean,  sometimes it's pancakes or French toast but we about get breakfast like this everyday." I said , still confused as to where that question came from.

"Well then you're really lucky ." He said,  taking a seat at the counter . And that's when it hit me. How could I be so oblivious!? He has probably never even experienced something like this - mom waking up super early , cooking up a storm for you , packing your lunch , basically everything I took for granted or as normal - something he never had. He always had to look out for himself because he didn't have a choice , no wonder he spent so much time at other peoples houses , because they atleast had a parent there who could care for them in some way.

I'm so stupid! I've  never even thought about how much this meant to him. I mean,  I knew a roof above his head was very appreciated by him but all of this , fresh clothes, yummy food and company at the dinner table , was something that probably meant a whole lot more to him than he wanted us to know.

Taking a seat next to him , my mom handed us both a glass of fresh juice while we said good morning.

"Are you sure you're good to go to school Logan ? I can call the school and exp-"

"No ! I mean , yes I'm sure I'm fine to go to school Mrs Parker. Thank you for the offer though. " he said with a smile while my mom just looked at him curiously. If only she knew the real reasons behind his injuries...

I mean yeah , I told them it was a school fight but I didn't tell them that it was due to him leaving his 'gang related ' type of group. They would worry too much and try to involve the police to ensure his safety. But that would only cause him more trouble ... so I kept that part to myself. For now atleast.

"Breakfast was delicious mom but we gotta get to school now." I said,  picking up my bag while Logan did the same.

If I would've thought we would get this many stares when we got out of the same car at school, I would've atleast braced myself. 

"Thanks.  I um ... I'll see you later." Logan said , getting out and making his way through the staring crowd. They all probably thought we were together now or something. Little did they know that he had no where to go and no one left to care. People always jumped to their own conclusions seeing something like this , never knowing the story behind a situation. That's why I  always tried my best to not do that.

"Did I just see Logan Delgada getting out of your car!?" A frantic Savannah said , rushing over to me .

"Yeah , so ?" I said , trying not to spill too much  about his situation. He entrusted me with his secret and I wasn't planning on breaking that trust.

"Why ?" She jogged up to me , trying to keep up while I rushed off to class.

"It's not important right now. The only thing you need to know is that he's turning over a new leaf and making his life right with God." I said to her while I watched her surprised and confused face,  and then it turning into a smile.

"I always knew this would happen!" She yelled excited , making the whole hall look at us as I tried to shush her.

"You did ?" I ask confused after I got her to calm down.

"Well... I didn't know for sure . But I always hoped that he would come to his senses. You know , prayer is a powerful thing." She stated proudly with her hands on her hips while I just smiled at how happy she was as we made our way to Bio.

The rest of the day dragged on , and luckily there was no sign of Logan's 'friends ' or any other type of trouble. So I knew he would very much still be in one piece when we got home.

I waited in the car for him after school - and still seeing no sign of him -  I was just about to start worrying when I saw him walking slowly towards me. With another painful groan he got into the passenger's seat next to me.

"You okay ?" I asked concerned. He seemed to not have picked up any new injuries but from the look on his face , I could tell that he was in some sort of internal pain .

"Yeah . My ribs , they're just killing me today. " he said through gritted teeth as he tried to put the seatbelt over himself without causing any more pain .

"What did you do ?"

"What do you mean ' what did I do ?' I just went to class." He said innocently  while I gave him a 'are you serious?' look. "Yes I'm serious Amaya. Why ? do you not believe me ?"

"Actually no. Because let's be honest Logan. You were some what still fine this morning when I saw you last .And knowing you ... you must've gotten yourself into some sort of trouble to be groaning in pain right now."

I watched as he sat silent while I observed his every move.

And then he burst into a fit of laughter. "You're so right! You know me too well ." He said clutching his stomach and then his ribs while trying to calm down .

"I know." I said with a smug look ,  turning the car on.

"You mind if I make a quick stop at the hospital?  I have to drop something off for Aiden. "

"Sure. You're the driver."He said while I pulled into the parking lot.

"I'll be right back." I said , making my way to his office. With a knock he soon opened the door with a smile.

"Oh thank goodness ! I don't know how I would've made the day without it." He said relieved. 

"It's just a stethoscope Aiden , surely you could've borrowed one for the day until you could get it back from my house. " I said with a chuckle,  handing it to him.

"Sure. But then I wouldn't have gotten to see you." He said sweetly as I almost thought he did it on purpose. "Plus , this was a graduation gift from my mom. So it's sentimental. " He said with a wink . "You got time for a quick coffee ?"

"I don't actually. I'm so sorry. Logan's waiting in the car ."

"Oh ,that's too bad. How is he by the way."

"His ribs are killing him. But between you and me , I think he must've gotten into another fight to hurt them again."

"It wouldn't surprise me" he said with a chuckle, walking me out.

"I'll tell you what , I'll clear my day tommorow just for you . We can spend the day together doing whatever you want. " I said with a smile , facing him.

"It's a date. " he said , returning that same heart warming smile while I gave him a hug goodbye .

"See you tommorow Aid !" I called rushing off to the car . "You too Maya!" I heard him call back before I closed the door.

"You really like him huh ?" Logan voiced beside me , almost making me forget about his presence .

"I do. He's simply the best. " I said swooing all over again.

"I can see that. But keep your eyes on the road I don't want to get into a crash because you're day dreaming about Dr Hottie over there." He said teasingly as I playfully shoved him.

"Whatever. "

I think this is about as good as a place to end . How did you like it ? Had a little trouble writing this one with a splitting headache but hope it came out good regardless of the state of my brain lol . Remember to leave a comment down below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves 🐺❤

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