Chapter 25 Part 2 The Other side

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*Shawn's POV *

After I got over being mad at Amaya for ditching me for the millionth time , I decided that there was no use crying over spilt milk. We were friends, best friends so why ruin all of that over something as petty as that ? We were both grown up and had busy lives to attend to so I decided the best way to get over this bump in the road would be just to face it head on. I had texted her that we should meet up and go to that new waterpark that opened up in town and thankfully she agreed.

If I said that I was nervous that she would flake on me again , I would be lying. I was beyond nervous when I pulled into her driveway. It was like I was half expecting her mother to open the door and say ; ' sorry sweetie she's not here ' it's kind of bad to think like that , but it was the only thing that was running through my mind before I saw her small figure make it's way towards me. I sighed a sigh of relief when I saw she had a backpack with her knowing we were still on for today. We kind of had to be , today was a big day for me . I was finally going to tell her how I felt.

"Hey." She said with a smile before getting into the passenger's side. Right , no hug. We're not there yet anyway... I reminded myself while I walked over to my side. It wasn't like I was expecting a hug from her ... but I kind of was.

The ride there was filled with this silence I couldn't handle anymore . Luckily for me , we arrived only 20 minutes later .

" I definitely wanna go on that one!" I exclaimed, pointing at the HIGHEST ride the park had. What can I say ? I'm an adrenaline junkie - not literally - I just live for this kind of stuff.

"Shawn, you know I don't do heights . " she said scratching her arm - something she does when she's nervous or scared - so I knew all she needed was a little push.

"C'mon Blondie, live a little " I said playfully shoving her but she still wouldn't bite.

"I am . That's why I don't wanna go on that THING and possibly die. " she said crossing her arms across her chest, looking so cute when she's acting upset. But I knew what I needed to do.

" Well , you have to , I double drink dare you . " I said showing her I meant it. I knew she couldn't back down now , she knew full well what this meant .

"Fine ! You win this round !" She huffed, taking off her shirt leaving her only in her swimsuit. I couldn't help but stare. She was so beautiful and she's not even trying. Remembering my manners , I took my gaze away from her like the gentleman I am and cleared my throat before yelling 'race ya !' and taking off into a sprint.

We must've been on that ride ATLEAST 8 times after she conquered her fear . I knew this was bound to happen so it took A LOT of convincing for me to get her to go on other rides too.

"That was so much fun !" She exclaimed as she started drying off a bit.

"Told ya ! Wanna get lunch over there? " I asked , pointing to the little 'cafe' they had there.

"Sure." She said taking off and ordering.

"Can I ask your advice on something ? " I asked while watching her dip her chicken finger into the ranch mindlessly.

" sure."

"So there's this girl ... in my class that I kind of like..." I trailed off not knowing how to bring this across without her knowing it's her .

"Spill !" She said getting all excited and making me smile.

" I've liked her for a while now , her name's... Amber. I just don't know how to tell her . Any advice?" I said , thinking of the first girl name that DIDN'T sound fake.

"Well, my advice would be to just say it. I mean ,why beat around the bush and torture yourself? Just go right out and say it. "

"And that works ?" I asked surprised and a little sceptical.

"Sure. Girls like a guy with confidence. Or atleast in my opinion I would say so. I mean Aiden took the initiative and just did it and look where that got him "she said with a smile as mine fell. She was thinking of him no less.

"Right ... so anyway , that's all I got to do ?"

"That's all." She said chomping on her food.

"Hey , you wanna hit the pool? " I said changing the subject while she nod her head before following behind me.

We spent the next hour and a half in the pool playing around and just having a great time until Amaya started to grow tired, though I had no idea how that was possible since the music blaring throughout the entire park was so loud. She had told me that she was getting tired to which I agreed that we could get out and just chill under the sun for a while as I followed her out. Walking over to our stuff the familiar throw back of Mumford & son's I will wait started playing through the park while she bopped her head along to the song that shaped our childhood . A song I always connected towards her. I would wait forever for her if that was it would take.

"You know , I've been thinking. " I said catching up to her while she hummed to the melody " I think I know how I'm going to tell her how I feel about her ."

"Yeah ?" She said while she moved along to the song. She had no idea how beautiful she was.

"I think I'm just going to reach out and hold her hand . If she pulls away I'll know that she doesn't feel the same right? " Crossing my fingers that this works.

"Uh huh , sounds great. " she said distracted , getting more into the song and singing the course along loudly while I see our chairs coming into view. That's when I gatherd the courage and took her small hand in mine , intertwining our fingers while I smiled down at her right before she stopped in her tracks and looked at me .

"What are you doing? " she said , looking down at our hands .

"I'm holding the hand of the most beautiful girl here." I said with a smile as she kept looking at me confused.

"But I thought you liked Amber ?" I smiled at how oblivious she was being. She couldn't help but be so stinking cute.

"It's you I like Amaya. It's always been you." I said right before I leaned in and her lips touched mine.

And I'm still ending it here ! Hahaha please don't hate me * lifts up hands in surrender * I'm only doing it for the reads * pleads endlessly * it'll continue next week I PROMISE ! Thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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