Chapter 4 Dash

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"Aunt Tanya hi !" I say chirpy walking into her room and placing the flowers next to her bed.

"Maya ! I missed you yesterday. "

"I know , I'm so so sorry.  I meant to call and then everything went haywire with Shawn , but I'm here now. " I say , taking a seat next to her .

"Shawn ? Who's Shawn?  Oh I know! Is he your love interest? " she says teasingly .

"No . He's one of my best friends from my childhood. Him , Savannah and I go way back , all the way to Preschool. He moved to Connecticut when he was 13 so we lost touch but he's back now beacause he got into Emory and is studying to be a Marine Biologist. Today's his first day on campus actually. "

"Sounds like you've got quite the story with that one. "

" I mean ... kinda ? We were friends for a very long time so it's kind of strange seeing him again  all of a sudden. We have a lot to catch up on you know ?"

"I know what you mean dear .Your own company can get quite lonely sometime" she says , looking at the curtain separating her side of the room . And that's when it clicked .

"You got a roommate !? Auntie that's great ! Now you have someone to talk to !" I say excited as I see her look at me with less enthusiasm. "What's wrong ? Are they not nice people ?"

"No , she is . Melody is very nice . But I guess it's not going that well at her side as it is at my side. She's very closed off and doesn't talk much but when she does , she always says in how much pain she is . She has Cancer Maya , and not the easy type if you know what I mean. She seems like a fighter but I can hear everything through this silly piece of fabric. She's in a lot of pain , a lot . And it doesn't seem like she has the money to cover any of the expenses anymore..." she trailed off as I felt something inside me stir.

"So how bad do you think it is ? Did she say anything? "

"No , she doesn't say much. When I ask her how she's doing she just says she's fine God will provide. And I don't disagree with her beacause we serve an Almighty God . But what I mean is how is she doing, really. She doesn't have to put up a front with me and I wish she realised it. I'm her friend and I love praying with and for her but I guess,  she's a little too proud to admit that something's wrong to anyone else. "

"Aunt Tanya , do you think I can go over to her?  Talk to her maybe?  "

"With all means dear , go ahead. "

I then stood up , straightened down my dress and made my way to her , pulling the curtain away.

"Hi ma'am my name is Amaya Parker , my Aunt is Tanya - the one next to you ." I say with a smile and just as she was about to reply I hear ;

"What are you doing here! Get away from my mother!" That's when I notice Logan Delgada standing in the doorway with flowers.

"Logan! Don't be rude !" His mother scolded him as he mumbled something  incoherently  , slumping into the chair next to his mother.

Ignoring his outburst- and the fact that he was there - I turned back to his mother giving her a smile.

"I hope you don't mind , but my Aunt told me about your situation and if you don't mind I'd like to pray for you ." I said.

I just had this feeling , this urge inside me that I had to go out and pray for her . So I'm planning on doing exactly that .

" no way! Get lost ! You're not going anywhere near my mom with your church mumbo jumbo. " Logan said,  shooting up from his chair.

"Logan I ... I just want to pray for your mother I have no other angle ." I say hopeful even though I have absolutely no idea WHY I'm trying to convince him since I don't need his premission anyway.

"No . I don't believe you . You church people are all the same. You all have some kind of angle. First you real everyone in with the whole ' I'm nice' gimmick and as soon as you get what you want you drop them like hot trash and they're left to pick up the pieces. Left to fend for themselves. Left to die !" He says as I start to feel bad for what he must've been through but also excited to prove him wrong of the kind of person I - and the rest of the God honoring people out there - really are. We're not the monsters he thinks we are . On the contrary,  we're the good guys.

"Oh hush up Logan Reese . Go ahead Sweetie . You can pray for me . " his mom says sweetly as if the things her son just said didn't bother or upset her in the least.

We then closed our eyes as I said a prayer to her .

As I finished I saw tears rolling down her cheeks and I knew it meant something to her.

"Thank you so much . You don't  know how much I needed that . " she says , wiping her tears from her cheeks.

"You're very welcome Ma'am. " I said with a smile- walking back to my aunt -  as Logan scoffed in the corner .

"That was a very nice thing you did for Melody. "

"It's nothing. Really. I just felt lead to go pray for and I did . But I'm sorry to cut our visit short again but mom needs me home early tonight. I'll check in real soon." I said giving her a kiss on the head and rushing out the door.

I'm so late. So , so , so late! Mom's going to be so upset if I don't make it home soon.

With all these thoughts rushing through my head - and the high speed I was dashing through the halls - I of course just HAD to bump into someone.

"I- I'm so sorry -" I said picking my bag up from the floor , looking up into the most gorgeous green eyes."- Dr ... Carter ?" I say , reading his name tag.

"Aiden. Call me Aiden." He says with the most beautiful voice I've ever heard ring through my ears.

"Amaya." I say with a smile as we awkwardly shook hands yet it felt so familiar.

"Well , it's very nice bumping into you like this Amaya." He says as a light blush crept up my face .

"Same here ..." I trailed off slightly embarrassed. 

"Well , I have a patient to get to but we should go grab a coffee soon." He says ,writing his number on a piece of paper and handing it to me.

Me ,being still flustered that this hot guy was talking to ME , I took it and just mumbled a " yeah , I - uh ,need to go too."

He of course thought it was funny and just chuckled saying; "see you around Dash ." And walked away while I stood there like a complete doofus with my foot in my mouth. 

Stupid ! I mentally scolded myself as I walked back to my car thinking over what the heck just happend.

I think I'm going to leave it here. It seems like a good enough place. What did you think? Please please let me know in the comment section below. Until next time , keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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