Chapter 25 Part 1 Got a secret can you keep it ?

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I grab my bag and rush downstairs when I see Shawn's car come into view.

"Bye !" I shout upstairs before closing the door behind me and seeing Shawn before me. To say it was a little awkward would be calling it easy. I had no idea do we hug ? Shake hands ? Are we even there yet ? I had no idea. So I kept it low key.

"Hey " I said with a smile , getting into the passenger's side while I see him walk around to the driver's side.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to come with me ..." he said while we pulled away.

"No problem. Thank you for inviting me." I said with a smile but in the inside I was beyond nervous. I had no idea how this day was going to play out and even if we're going to end up still being friends after today. This was hitting me hard. Shawn was always ' the boy next door ' the one who threw me with mud when we first met and raced snails in the rain. He was the one who helped me back on to my bike again after I fell off it and scraped my knee , taught me how to hotwire a car and climb a tree. We were the bestest of friends before I met Savannah, so seeing us in this position now breaks my heart because I don't know how to fix it. It's like we're back to me saying goodbye to him when his family moved away... It's hard I'm not gonna lie. So the ride there was filled with an awkward silience you could cut with a knife. Thank goodness it wasn't a long ride and we arrived only 20 minutes later.

" I definitely wanna go on that one !" Shawn points out to the HIGHEST ride they had here. And heights weren't really my thing , maybe that's why I'm 5'1 .

"Shawn , you know I don't do heights." I say scratching my arm and immediately growing nervous.

"C'mon Blondie , live a little. " he said playfully shoving me.

"I am. That's why I don't wanna go on that THING and possibly die. " I stated, crossing my arms over my chest.

" Well you have to , I double drink dare you. " he said showing me he was serious and I knew I couldn't back down. Double drink dare was something we created in third grade after I dared him to drink 3 sodas and burp the alphabet. Gross , I know. But it's like a little inside joke meaning you kinda have to do it.

"Fine ! You win this round. " I huffed , taking off my shirt and standing in my swimwear - feeling a little uncomfortable under his gaze even though he's seen me in my swimsuit MANY times before - I watched as he cleared his throat before yelling 'race ya !' And took off into a sprint.

We must've been on that ride ATLEAST 8 times because after I conquered my fear I just HAD to go on it a few more times , that's until he called it quits and said there were more rides to try.

"That was so much fun !" I exclaimed while I dried off a bit.

"Told ya. Wanna get some lunch over there ?" He asked , pointing to the little 'cafe ' they had inside.

"Sure." I said while we made our way there and ordered.

"Can I ask your advice on something? " he asked while I dipped my chicken finger into the ranch.


"So there's this girl ... in my class that I kind of like..." he trailed off.

"Spill !" I said getting all excited.

" I've liked her for a while now , her name's... Amber. I just don't know how to tell her . Any advice?"

"Well, my advice would be to just say it. I mean ,why beat around the bush and torture yourself? Just go right out and say it. "

"And that works ?" He said sceptical, though I knew where he was coming from . Girls can be scary.

"Sure. Girls like a guy with confidence. Or atleast in my opinion I would say so. I mean Aiden took the initiative and just did it and look where that got him " I said with a smile thinking back to how we met.

"Right ... so anyway , that's all I got to do ?"

"That's all." I said chomping on my food.

"Hey , you wanna hit the pool ?" He said while I nod , standing up and following him.

We spent the next hour and a half in the pool playing around and just having a great time until I started to grow tired, though it was hard since the music blaring throughout the entire park was so loud and catchy. I told Shawn I was getting tired and he agreed that we could get out and just chill under the sun for a while as he followed me out. Walking over to our stuff the epic throwback of Mumford & son's I will wait started playing through the park while I bopped my head along to the song that shaped my childhood .

"You know , I've been thinking. " Shawn said catching up to me while I hummed the melody " I think I know how I'm going to tell her how I feel about her ."

"Yeah ?" I said listening but not really paying attention as I moved along the song.

"I think I'm just going to reach out and hold her hand . If she pulls away I'll know that she doesn't feel the same right? "

"Uh huh , sounds great. " I said , getting more into the song and singing the course along loudly while I see our chairs coming into view. That's when I felt a hand intertwine with mine and I abruptly stopped everything I was doing and turned around, seeing Shawn look at me with a smile.

"What are you doing? " I said , looking down at our hands .

"I'm holding the hand of the most beautiful girl here." He said with a smile as I looked at him confused.

"But I thought you liked Amber ?"

"It's you I like Amaya. It's always been you." He said right before he leaned in and his lips touched mine.

The end! Hahahaha yes ! I know ! How dare I !? 😂😂 you'll thank me later 😉 what did you think ? Too predictable? Well it doesn't matter because it's only the beginning ... thank you so much for reading, like always Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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