Chapter 22 Dripped and Leaked

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My day was off to a great start. I got up super early and finished all of my chores while making sure everything was done for the day. Mom had the day off so that meant I won't have to worry about Logan's health for the day , and dad was in his office preparing a sermon for tommorow. So that just left me to get ready and Aiden to pick me up.

I had no idea what he had planned for today , but judging by the excessive heatwave outside it probably had something to do with water. So I packed my swimsuit just incase.

With the honk of his car horn , I threw my backpack over my shoulder and rushed downstairs.

"Mom I'm leaving! See you later !" I called before closing the door behind me.

"Hi !" I said excited , giving him a hug to which he returned quickly.

"You ready ?"

"Yeah. What are we doing anyway ?" I questioned while buckling in.

"We're going to a pal of mine's place. He has the BEST pool. And then we're gonna swim a bit and just chill . Sound good ?"

"Sure." I said not really minding that we were going to one of his friend's house. I mean it's not like we will be completely alone plus , I'll  get to meet the rest of his friends at the same time.

Pulling up to the large white house, my mouth almost hung open from the massive size it was.

"It's nice isn't it ?" Aiden said,  reading my mind.

"You're telling me" I said , getting out along with him. The door almost immediately swung open  with a very ecstatic brunette guy rushing over to Aiden and giving him a bro hug. That's no doubt his best friend .

"Amaya, this is Todd. Todd this is my girlfriend Amaya" Aiden said proudly while Todd gave me a warming smile.

"Nice to meet you niña" he said kindly

"Nice to meet you too. You're Spanish ?" I asked surprised.

"Only half on my mother's side. Come on , the guys are this way." He said , leading us through his house and towards what I presume is the game room. There inside the room sat two blondes slaving away at foosball . With a wolf whistle Todd got both of their attention as they looked our way.

"The tall one with the bad haircut is Emile . And the goofy one next to him is Roberto. "Todd introduced while they both made their way towards us.

"Emile. " he greeted once again , stretching his hand out to me. "Amaya" I replied with a smile while Roberto did the same.

"Well , that's the gang. Their girls will join us later. Until then , we're gonna chill in here . You two go and enjoy that hot summer sun " Todd said while Aiden didn't take twice to the invitation as he lead me outside to the beautiful pool area.

"They seem nice." I said while we got into the pool,  feeling the cold tingles of the water brush against my warm skin .

"I would've thought they would scare you off ." He said with a chuckle as I questioned him why. "They can get a bit ... over excited sometime ." He said with another smile , joining me in the water. 

"How did you meet them ?"

"Well ,Todd and I met at church camp . Emile was an old highschool pal of mine - we played lacrosse together - and Roberto... He's just one of those friends of a friend who just kind of stuck around " he said while I nod along.  And that's when I was splashed with a hand full of water right in the face!

"Hey ! No fair! You caught me off gaurd !" I said with a giggle,  doing the same to him.

"All's fair in love and war." He said while he dragged my feet from underneath me , making my head go under water.

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