Chapter 3 it's the tie to my youth

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"And that class , is how you do a watercolor portrait, with style. Class dismissed. " Ms Harolds says just in time for the bell to dismiss us from art class.

"Oh Amaya , you have a minute ?" 

"Sure miss. What's up ?" I say , placing my bag back down.

"The finals project you submitted of the galaxy,  was absolutely GORGEOUS! It's like , when I look at it , that I'm actually staring into outer space. It- it just speaks to me know you ?  You've got some real talent Amaya."

"Thank you miss ." I say feeling slightly embarrassed but good  that I actually got notice and recognition for something for once that was actually 100% my own idea and work. It felt good .

"It's my absolute pleasure. Well , you best be off then , don't want Mr Turner waiting on you . See you tomorrow. "

"You too . And , thank you miss , it means the world to me. " I said before closing the door behind me and making my way to Geometry.

The rest of the day went by in a flash. It was the same old boring routine like every other week going from one class to the next,  but I survived  . Barely .

As I make my way to my car I see a note on my windshield. Curious,  I picked it up - looking around for someone nearby who could've put it there - and seeing no one , reading it.

Meet me at the cafeteria at 15:07 . Or else.

That's all it said.

Looking down at my watch I saw it was already  15:05 which meant I had exactly two minutes to make it to the cafeteria,  if I chose to go.

I mean , how bad could it be ?

It's probably just some silly freshman trying to pull a prank.

I'm on schoolgrounds , surrounded by dozens of people. In how much trouble could I really get ?

Having decided to actully go , I sprint towards the cafeteria , making it just on time.

When I walk in it's dead quiet and very much so empty,  which doesn't surprise me to be honest . It is the end of the day after all .

"Hello ?" I said loud , making my voice echo through the empty room. "I'm here ." I say walking around trying to find someone. Anyone.

That's when I saw a chocolate bar lying in the distance. My favorite chocolate bar to be exact. So obviously I bent down and picked it up .

"Boo !" Someone whisperd into my ear making me tumble forward.

"What the- Shawn !? What are you doing here ?" I say , running into the arms of one of my best friends in the world - other than Savannah of course - giving him the biggest hug.

"What are you doing here ? I thought you moved to Connecticut " I say as he put me back down on my feet.

"I did , well , my parents did anyway. After I graduated last year I applied for all the best school in the district and looks like I found my way back here again , to you . "

"That's Amazing! Congrats ! Where are you staying ? I'm sure my parents would love to catch up . You want to come over for dinner tonight?  Mom's making her special Chicken pot pie " I say with a smile as I nudged him . He always had a special spot for my mom's chicken pot pie. It was the best. And I knew he couldn't turn it down.

"Thanks . What time ?" He says smiling , showing off his braces- free teeth. He looked good. He's changed a lot though since I've last seen him but then again , when I last saw him he was 13 and I was turing 12. So , naturally he would've changed into a more mature 19 year old version of himself.

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