Chapter 1 Hallucinations

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It's still bright and early when the smell of fresh pancakes full my room. I wake up to the heavenly smell surrounding me and filling my senses in the best possible way . Now , that's a way to wake up .

I throw on my robe as I skip downstairs following the scent all the way to my singing mother at the stove flipping pancakes.

"Morning mom. " I say chirpy , taking a seat at the island.

"Morning sweetie , did you sleep okay ?"

"Yup thanks.  What's the occasion? " I ask curiously

"What do you mean? "

" I mean what's the reason for you making us all pancakes? "

My mother turns around as she gives me a warm smile ;

"Do I need a reason to spoil my family? "

"Of course not . " I reply , returning the same warm smile as she sets a plate of pancakes before me.

I thanked her as I happily dug into my breakfast, internally swooing by the delicious taste filling my mouth. It's been so long since my mom ACTUALLY had time off work to cook for us. I almost forgot how tasty her food could be.

"Hey mom ? It's still okay if I hit the mall with Sav today right?  " I ask , placing my plate in the dishwasher.

"Sure sweetie,  just remember to be home by curfew. "

"Thanks mom . I think I'm going to jump in the shower and then head on out. Love you. "

"Love you too baby girl. " my mom says as I run up the steps.

"I can't believe we scored such a deal at Victoria Secret! It's like everything was 50% off. " Savannah exaggerates all over again , while we make our way through the mall.

Everything WASN'T 50% off,  just the summer edition . But I'm not going to burst her bubble.

"I know right!? " I reply with enthusiasm. I mean the sale had  SOME good deals. So she wasn't exaggerating that much.

"Do you mind if we make a quick stop at the food court ? I'm starving ! "

"Sure , I could eat . " I shrug as we make our way to the Chipotle stand/kiosk , ordering our food.

"Ooo what about him ?" Sav points to a guy walking with Walmart bags.

"Nah , he's too short. Sav you know I want someone who's taller than me. He's atleast the same height as me if not shorter. " I say pouting .

Ever since we were little Savannah and I made this thing where we would pick out the perfect "boyfriend" for eachother in public places. Basically, we pick a bunch of strangers we think are cute- without having to feel embarrassed - Simple.

"What about that one ? He has blonde hair -which you like - great style - a bonus for you - and rich judging by all the American eagle , Prada and Gucci bags ." I point everything out as he makes his way past us.

"That IS  almost everything on my checklist but , he so has a girlfriend. I mean , Prada and Gucci ? I have like zero chance. " she says as she slumps into her seat taking a sip of her iced coffee.

"Oh ! What about him !?" She immediately perks up as a cute guy walks over to Starbucks.

"Ooo he IS cute.  Well,  from behind atleast. " I say as we both keep checking him out from behind  , that's until another cute guy caught my eye and I got distracted.

"Maya ?" Sav taps me on the shoulder .

"Mhm ? " I mumble as my eyes keep following the other guy around the food court.

"Maya ?" She says again

"What? " I say , directing my attention back to her.

"That's Logan Delgada ."

"What ,where !? " I say,  panic starting to sink in.

"There . He's the cute guy at Starbucks !"

"Eewwww ! No. Nope. No way . Never gonna happen. I take it back 110% . I'll never date someone as rude and conceited as him , no matter how cute he is. " I say with slight disgust that I just said that Logan was cute !

"You said it girl. I mean , he is kind of hot if you think about it ..." Savannah trailed off looking back at him.

"Nope . Not thinking about it. "

"Liar ." She pointed out as I distracted myself with my slushie - that immediately became very interesting when I needed a distraction -

"We got to get you out of here . You're starting to hallucinate " I say , dragging her up from her seat and AWAY from the food court.

"But my coffee..." she whined.

"We'll get you a new one okay. " I say as we make our way to my car .

"That was rude. " she said pouting like a six year old.

"Well , I just saved your behind so be grateful. You never want to get mixed up with someone as complicated as Logan Delgada. Trust me ."

"Mhm ... do I feel a story behind this ?" She says , immediately getting intrigued by the topic at hand.

"Not today Sav."

"Fine . But just know , you promised. " she says as she proudly folded her arms across her chest as if she won .

"Whatever. " I say laughing , while we make our way back home.

"Mom ! We're back !"

"Hi sweetie! How was the mall ? " my mom says , coming down the stairs. 

"It was good ." I say as Sav and I take off our shoes.

"Good ? Helen it was amazing! We scored so many deals !"

Yeah , Savannah's on a first name basis with my parents. We've been friends since like , 5 so naturally my mom became her second mom and bestfriend. Kind of weird too...

"Well that's great Savannah. You girls hungry ? I can whip something up for you two if you'd like? "

"No thanks mom , we just ate . " I said while Sav glared daggers at me for turning down food.

"In that case , what about some dessert ? " my mom says with a smile as I already knew how excited she got Savannah just by saying that word .

"Dessert?  You know I'll always make room for Dessert. " Sav says excited,  taking a seat at the island.

"Great ! Give me a minute and I'll have some brownies and ice cream for you two. " my mom says,  giving us a wink .

This is why I love my mother so much! She'll do absolutely anything for us. God has really blessed me with such an amazing mother .

I REALLY couldn't have asked for a better mom.

I'll keep this one short and sweet for my first chapter. I know it's still a little rough around the edges but it's my first time writing something Spiritual like this and I really want to do it right , so it's kind of a lot of pressure I'm putting on myself too 🙈but it's okay,  cause it'll all work out like it should. Hope you all enjoyed this snip bit . Until next time , keep howling my wolves . 🐺❤

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