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Soeun wasn't crying. She was trying hard to hold in her tears. Taehyung had told her not to cry and Soeun wanted to listen to him. So that's why she wasn't crying.

She can't cry when Taehyung was the one who was in the surgery room. He was the one that was in pain.

Soeun was sitting at the ground, her arms hugging her legs and her face buried in her knees. She was releasing small sobs. But then she lifted up her head and shook her head.

"I-I can't cry." Soeun shook her head again and glanced at the emergency ward. "I- I w-won't cry." She whispered but a tear escaped her eyes. She angrily wiped her tears and let out a annoyed groan.

Soeun heard footsteps and the boys stopped in front of her. Soeun sniffled and looked up. All of her friends' faces sadden as they look at Soeun.

Soeun's eyes were red and puffy.

Yoongi kneeled down and grabbed Soeun's shoulders, "Come on, let's get you up." Yoongi whispered. Soeun just lifelessly got up while the boys worryingly looking at her.

"You- You guys think T-Taehyung will b-be okay?" Soeun sniffled after sitting down. Soeun was looking at her hands that was on her lap.

Soeun lifted her face to look at her friends, "Y-You g-guys... T-Taehyung- h-h-he-" Soeun babbled out and bit her lips.

Jimin shushed her and patted Soeun on the head with caring matter while running his fingers through her hair. Soeun let out a choked sob and look at Jimin.

Jimin's heart broke. "Hey... It's going to be okay..." Jimin hugged Soeun and Soeun let out sob again. "Taehyung will be okay... T-Taehyung will be okay.. He's the s-strongest boy I've ever k-known.." Jimin assured Soeun as he gently rub Soeun's hair.

"Taehyung is going to be o-okay..." Jimin whispered while nodding to himself.

Yoongi was patting Soeun's back the whole time as he held one of Soeun's hand. Soeun sniffles multiple times but Yoongi didn't saw a tear coming out.

All of them noticed this so they frowned worryingly at Soeun.

All of them were outside the emergency room for a few hours. It was already night and dark. The boys were sitting in silence, eyes emotionless as they waited for Taehyung.

Their silence were cut off by Namjoon's ringtone. Namjoon looked at his phone, eyes widen as he answered the call immediately.

"Hello? Where is she?" Namjoon asked through the phone. "What? You haven't find her?" Namjoon snapped and ran his fingers through his hair frustratingly.

"Are you sure you're doing your work properly?" Namjoon asked, his patience running thin. The caller said something on the line and Namjoon responded with, "You better find her and not let her go away or you're fucking fired!"

Namjoon screamed through his phone and threw his phone on the ground, making it smashed into pieces. He was breathing heavily in anger.

Soeun just looked at Namjoon and sniffled. Soeun was clenching her fist, trying hard not to shed a tear.

Hoseok looked at Soeun and kneel in front of her. He let out a sigh and held her hands. "Hey... It's okay to cry Soeun.. You don't have to hold it in." Hoseok whispered, looking straight into Soeun's eyes. Soeun shook her head violently in response.

"T-Taehyungie told me n-not t-to c-cry, I-I c-can't b-b-be weak." Soeun whispers, "I-I have t-to be s-strong for Taehyung." Soeun said and bit her lips. "What's taking him so long?" Soeun croaked out.

Hoseok looked at Soeun sadly as his eyes glassing. He hugged Soeun tight and rubbed her back soothingly. Soeun hugged him back without hesitation.

"Taehyung is going to be okay." Jin said softly and sat beside Soeun. "Please get some sleep, Taehyung will be sad if he saw you in this state. Do you want Taehyung to be sad?" Jin said softly again and Soeun let out a whimper, shaking her head.

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