Chapter 2: Meet Princess Lana

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Lana's POV:

"Good morning Lana," My father, King Eric said as I enter the map room, "Had a good night's rest?" He looks up from the table that was covered with maps of our kingdom and Femos.

I smile, "I did father. Are you looking at the maps again?" I ask as I walk to to table to have a closer look.

He nods, "I'm trying to find a different route to Femos, but it'll take days to get there."

I sigh, "Father we agreed that the Exile Waters was the only way to get there unless you think King Richard would like to risk the safety of his son."

He scoffs, "And why should I risk the safety of my daughter, hrm? Espically when Ursula lives there. What makes you think she won't try to kill you?"

"Oh I'm sure she might, but I have bodyguards, soldiers to protect me, and my sword skills to assist. I won't go there defenseless." I rest my hand on his arms. He always worries about me and I wish he wouldn't. Its not good for his health.

He nods, "You sure you don't need me to come with you?"

I kiss his cheek, "No father, I'll be fine. Now where's mother?"

"Talking to your grandfather outside near the docks." He answers, his gaze back to the maps as he strokes his beard.

I smile, "Ooh okay! I better go see if he's still here!" I give him another kiss on the cheek before I race out of the maps room and make my way down the white marble hallways. I open a door and the smell of the salty sea invades my senses.

I immediately see mother's vibrant red hair, standing out against the blue shores and sky. She was talking to her father, King Triton of the Atlantic Ocean.

And the conversation they were having sounds serious. If I let them know I was here they would change the subject because they wouldn't want me to worry so I stay behind a corner and tried my best to listen, feeling like a child for having to hide.

"Can't you do something, father?" Mother asks.

Grandfather shakes his head, "I cannot. It's outside my domain and besides Ariel, they are just rumors. We are not positive she will attempt something."

Mother runs her fingers through her hair, "You know she'll try anything to have her revenge." She crosses her arms over her chest.

"I do know that, but sadly there's nothing more I can do. My powers won't work there even if I tried." He says solemnly. His shoulders slump over.

She releases a heavy sigh, "Well while you're here, do you want me to go get Lana? I'm sure she'll love to see you."

Before they can realize I was present I step out from my corner and grandfather sees me. He shake his head, "No need to darling, she's already here." he says with a warm smile, "Come here my little flower. And my do you look more and more like your mother everytime I come to visit." His blue eyes twinkle with pride.

Mother turns around as I walk up to them. Grandfather was floating in the shallow waters. In his hand he held onto his triton that he always have with him and it glows with power.

"Good morning mother, grandfather," I greet, "What brings you here grandfather?" I ask pretending I didn't hear their current conversation.

"I just wanted to come by and wish you safety travel." he answers, "I wish I can guarantee you a safe trip. However you are crossing over Exile Waters, and it's outside of my domain." He says sadly.

I sigh, "Don't worry grandfather, I told father this and Im going to tell you; I am not going there defenseless. I have soldiers, bodyguards, and my sword skills to assist if anyone tries anything." I say with confidence. If I believe it, they'll believe it.

He nods, understanding, "Okay then. Thats what I want to hear. Be safe Lana." He gestures for me closer and hugs me before he turns around and swims away to go back to his underwater kingdom.

"Do promise me you'll be careful," mother says, turning to look at me once we couldn't see grandfather anymore, with worry in her voice.

I hug her, "I promise I'll be careful and come back home in one piece." I promise.

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