Chapter 19: The Map Room

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Zale's POV:

I freeze, my eyes widen in surprise. I feel every muscle and bone stiffen. My heart beating rabidly in my chest. So hard Im afraid Lana can hear it since she's standing so close. Her hand behind my neck is warm against my cold skin.

She had her eyes close and a strand of vibrant red hair was hanging down her face. I slowly kiss her back and slide the strand behind her ear. I press her closer to me. And close my eyes. Enjoying this moment with her.

What are you doing, you fool?! A voice rings in my head, angrily. She's your enemy! This a huge mistake! Push her away!

Instead of listening, I pull her closer to me, pressing her small body against mine. Ignoring the voices. I deserve this moment. I have follow the plan and I deserve to have alittle fun.

And she's a very good kisser.

Lana puts her hand on my chest and pulls away, breathing heavy and looks up at me and smiles, "For a minute there you scared me."

I smile back, "You surprised me that's all." I trace my finger across her blushing cheek.

She leans into my touch, "Well you wouldn't make the first move so I guess it was up to me."

I kiss her lips again, "I was going to wait for the right time."

She rolls her eyes and then frowns suddenly, "Who do you think they were talking about?"

I frown confuse, "Huh?"

I felt strange, like I was floating on clouds. That was probably the best moment in my entire life! It was better than anything!

She slaps my arm, snapping my out of my daze, "Who do you think mom and grandfather were talking about?" She repeats, "Remember? We spied on them."

My eyes widen, "Oh yeah! I don't know I was to busy thinking about what they said about us." I gesture between us.

She slaps my arm again, "This is serious Zale. Something is wrong in the sea. And thats the second time they talked about these rumors. I just don't know who they're talking about."

Mother. They're talking about my mother, Ursula.

I take her hand in mine and look into her blue eyes. They remind me of the ocean with fog hovering above the surface. "I'm sure everything's under control. No need to worry if they don't want anyone else to worry. Come on we should do something fun."

I can tell that she didn't want to change the subject. I give her a small reassuring smile, "Besides you still haven't show me all of your home."

I see her blue eyes glisten and she nods, "You're right! Come on I want to show you something." She pulls for me to follow her with haste.

"I swear you are always in a hurry!" I chuckle as I follow her, trying to keep up with her paste.

She doesn't look at me as she says, "I like to get to places quickly." And we bursts back inside the castle.

I look at the walls with pictures as we pass. She doesn't even glances at them and I assume its because she sees them all the time.

I saw one with a picture of the castle that was painted from a distance, with the waters crashing against the shore with seagulls flying above.

Another of a ship with the Queen and King waving at the people as they sail away with words carved into the ship in bold letters, reading, Just Married!

Lana comes to a stop with me almost running into her since I wasn't paying attention. Too busy staring at a painting with my mother in a gigantic form being gutted with a ship's bowsprit.

The ocean was crashing against her body. Lightening and rain covered the background. She held a large golden trident that radiant with power. And the person steering the ship was King Eric.

My mother has told me of that night almost everyday of my life. How she was almost killed by a measly ship. But she was able to make it out alive when she retreated to her old hide out and made a healing potion. However was tracked down and was exiled once again.

"Well? You coming?" Lana asks, breaking my attention.

I nod, "Uh yeah. Just looking at these pictures. Your family sure must love taking trips down memory lane."

"Hm, yes pretty much. Now come on! I want to show you something." She drags me into the room away from the painting of my mother and closes the door, behind her.

I looked around the room and my mouth drops, "Wow, what is this?" I asked circling to take a look of the room.

"This is the map room. I come in here sometimes and scroll through these maps. Marking out places that I will go one day." She says pulling me to a large table litter with spread out maps. Jars with pencils were set on corners of maps to keep them from curling up.

There were barrels around the room with more rolled up maps. And books stacked up. There was one large arched window with a telescope looking up towards the sky. Two large globes on either end of the room.

"This is amazing," I breathe as I made my way to the telescope, going around the table. "Wait how does this thing work?" I ask.

She laughs and stands behind me, "Put your eye to the lense," she instructs. "Then put your hand here on these dials to adjust the view."

I can feel her body very close to mine. Her breath on my neck. "Can you see the stars when you use these?" I ask, ignoring my rabid beating heart. I move the telescope to different areas of the land.

"Yep! And when you zoom in you can see the planets and galaxies!" I don't need to turn around to know that she's smiling. "The telescope is quite an amazing invention. I use to sneak down here at night to look at the galaxies when I'm suppose to be sleeping."

I pull away and step back to turn around and look at Lana, "Oh so you use to sneak out? Well aren't you a rebel." I smirk.

She smiles, "It wasn't easy you know! There were always guards patrolling the halls and if they had found me they would've sent me right back to my room and tell me how its dangerous to wonder around at night."

"Why didn't you just bring the telescope to your room?" I ask with amusement.

"Well wheres the fun in that? That and my parents knew I would spend most of the night awake looking through it." She turns around and walks to the table of maps.

"So where would you like to go?" I ask looking down at the maps.

"Everywhere. I want to discovery new lands and cultures. I want to learn the people's history and hear their legends and myths. The things they believe in. I don't know but people's cultures really fascinate me. Can you imagine how many myths and legends there are out there? And the traditions! Some cultures do rituals and sacrifices for gods and goddesses."

I stay silent and listen. I like how this subject excited her by the way her eyes lit up and how she gives it all her attention and interest. She makes it sound so interesting. She makes everything sound interesting and important. I bet everyone would stop whatever they're doing to just listen to her. Because I know I would.

Maybe I shouldn't do this. I think to myself.

Can I be happy here? With her? Is revenge all that matters? Is it worth it to ruin this amazing person's life?

Yes! An angry voice rings as it blocks out all the possibilities.

No! Another shouts.

I am so unsure right now. Im in alot of trouble.


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