Chapter 35: Part of Your World

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Zale's POV:

"Hey that wasn't as painful as mother's transformation." I said with a smile as I climb up the ladder.

I smoothe out the wrinkles from my new black suit that just appear on my body after I stepped out of the water. "And it comes with clothes too!" I add.

Lana was looking at me up and down. I cross my arms over my chest and smirk. "Checking me out princess?" I tease.

She blushes, "No, I thought I saw something on your suit."

"Sureee," I said. I look at her dress that King Triton had gifted to her as she climbed out of the water. What really amazes me was that we stepped out of the water and are completely dry!

She wore a simple dark purple color strapless dress made of tulle. Sleek bodice with a thin glittery silver belt to seperate the bodice from the tulle skirt. Her red hair was drape over her shoulders in waves.

"You look wicked Lana," I say with a smile. Gods she is so beautiful.

"Thats a good thing right?" She asks nervously.

I nod, "Yeah!"

She blushes, "Thank you."

"Zale!" I turn around to see my cousin, Serenia glide toward us. "I never thought I see you in a suit before!"

I look down at her dress. "And I never thought I see you in a dress. Looks like we're both surprise."

Serenia wore a red color strapless dress with a neckline and long tulle skirt that draped over the ship's floor.

She flips back her black hair, that was in curls, over her shoulders. "I look good don't I? Red is my new favorite color. But I swear these heels are gonna be the death of me!" She says pointing down at her feets were black heels peek from her skirt.

"Well then I hope you feel like dancing because a young man is approaching at fast speed right now." I whisper to her.

Her eyes widen and she freezes when the young man tap her on the shoulder. Watching me wearily. She turns around and I watch his eyes widen. Like he was starstruck.

"Yes?" She asks nicely.

"Uh- um.." The young man stammers.

She laughs lightly. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

He smiles, "Would you like to dance, miss?"

"Sure! Though take it easy on me will you? Im not quite use to these legs just yet." She answers.

He nods, "Of course, try to keep up though." He teases. He gestures her to walk before him and I clear my throat to get his attention.

"You hurt her or make any wrong move, I'll make you wish you didn't." I said with a warning in my tone.

He nods, "Not here to have no trouble, mister."

I lighten my stance. "Good, lets keep it that way. Now go show my cousin a good time. But not too much of a good time." I add.

He nods once again before turning around to catch up with Serenia who was already on the dance floor waiting. She looks at me and glares as she sticks her tongue out.

I laugh before turning to Lana. To see a frown on her face. "What? Is there something wrong?"

"The deal you made with Rumplestilskin was that he can rule my family's kingdom if you and your mother pulled your plan off while you too rule Atlantica?" She says slowly but it sounds like a question.

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