Chapter 16: Strawberry Tarts

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Lana's POV:

"Oh! Hansel! Gretal! Thank goodness!" Mrs. Rosie sighs in relief as she gathers her children in her arms. Holding them close and tight as if they might disapper if she lets them go.

"Mom!" Hansel whines, "We're okay! You can let us go now!"

I smiled, "Come on now Hansel your mom was worried to death! You've been missing for an entire day!"

I look up to the sky. I remember it was only noon, the sun was shining down on us when we went into the woods. And now it seems to be seven oclock as the sun slowly goes down and turns the sky into a mix of red and orange. Somehow time went fast while we were away.

"Thank you Princess," Mrs. Rosie says, still holding her children. "And thank you Zale. You come by in the morning and there will be a batch of cinnamon rolls waiting for you as a thank you." She smiles, "Now you two better head home its getting late and Im sure your parents are worried about you."

My eyes widen, "And you are right! Come on Zale! They're going to kill me!" I grab his hand and started to run.

"Shoot! Shoot!" I say, "I'm dead. I'm dead! I am so dead!"

I hear Zale chuckle and I take a glance at him slowing down a little but still running. "What are you laughing about? I am dead!"

He shakes his head, "I'm sure they'll understand when they hear your explanation.  I mean you did saved two kids from being eaten by a cannibal."

I smile, "Well I couldn't have done it without you. Now come on!" I pull him along and continue running.

We race to the castle. Dodging past castle town people who scurried out of the way. Soon we were running up the steps and burst through the doors.

And there was mom and dad pacing back and forth with worry etched onto both of their faces.

"Did she said where she was going?" Mom asks him. They still haven't seen us.

Dad runs his hand down his face, "No I don't think so. I- I can't remember. I'll send guards to castle town."

Before things could get out of hand. I spoke up, "No need to. We're back!"

They both look up quickly at the sound of my voice. Mom sighs, "Lana! Where have you been?!"

I give them a reasurring smile, "I'm fine mom, dad. Zale and I had to find Hansel and Gretal in the woods. They wonder off alittle too far and Mrs. Rosie was getting worried. I am so sorry for worrying you both. If I'd known we've be gone so long of course I would've told you where we were."

Mom sighs, "Well we're both glad you both are home safetly. See honey? I told you they were fine!" She rests a hand on dad's arm.

"Still you should've told us where you were going before you left castle grounds!" Dad says with a sterness in his voice.

I frown, "Whats wrong dad? You know I always go into castle town. Is something the matter?" I ask. I never seen dad so worried before.

Before he could say anything mom hushes him, "Everything is fine, sweetie, your father is just a big worry wart." She smiles, "Oh! And since you both missed dinner you should go to the kitchen and eat something. We'll see you two tomorrow, don't stay up too late now."

She smiles and leads dad away who had his eyes narrow at us. I grab Zales hand again and lead him to a door at the right side of the room and enter the dining room.

The table was cleaned of plates, but a servant was still cleaning. She nods as we pass her and went through another door that lead to the kitchen.

The kitchen was being clean by two servants and the chef was paging through a recipe book.

The Son Of UrsulaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora