Chapter 30: The Sea Witch

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Lana's POV:

I held tightly to Captain Gibson's sword. My hands were shaky and were getting sweaty. I hope Zale doesn't take it for weakness. Even though I am scared out of my mind right now.

"Lana!" I look up to see my dad looking down at me from the otherside of the ship. Too far away to help. He stands next to mom, holding her close. "Get away from him!"

Zale snarls, "You know I never really like your father."

"What do you want Zale?" I ask, cursing my voice for quivering underneath his gaze.

"Oh you know just been waiting to get my revenge on your family for what you all done to my mother." He says stepping close til the point of the sword was touching his bare chest.

Captain Gibson put his arm in front of me. "Get back princess." He says in a low voice.

Zale's gaze snap towards the captain. "You really think you can protect her, old man? You fail to protect her the first time. What makes you think you can protect her now?"

Before Captain Gibson could react, one of Zale's tenetacles snap forward and wrapped itself around his waist and snatch him away. Throwing him across the ship to the crowd which was staying as far back as possible. Leaving me alone to defend myself.

I feel the ship rocking side to side as the waves crash into the ship. The winds were howling around us as lightening flash and thunder rumble.

I tried to calm my breathing as I look into Zale's eyes. "Zale, please. This isn't you. You don't have to do this."

A flicker of guilt cross his eyes, and hope feel my chest knowing there is a chance. But then it was gone when water erupted; splashing everyone on the ship. Water floods the ship filling up to my ankles.

Then a voice booms around us, "OH PRINCESS," it hiss with a laugh, "SO FOOLISH AND NAIVE. LIKE YOUR MOTHER. ALWAYS WILLING TO DO ANYTHING FOR LOVE."

I gasp when I realized its the voice I heard when I was in the ocean. Swimming for dear life. Its Ursula, the sea witch. I thought I just imagined it. Didn't even remember it at all til now.

The ship is fill with screams as the ship rocks back from the waves and wind crashing into its hull. I stumble, falling into the waiting arms of Zale.

He snatches the sword out of my grasp and throws it aside. "Let me go!" I scream trying to pull away, but he holds on to me tight.

"Calm down princess," he breathes into my ear. Causing me to shiver which I hated.

"GOOD JOB ZALE. BRING HER TO ME." The voice comands.

Zale forces me forward to the ship's rails. I gasp as I look down into the ocean to see a spiraling whirlpool rapidly spinning around and around.

"Lana!" Mom shrieks in fear, she starts running toward us. With dad behind her. They pushed through the crowd, getting closer.

"Tell me princess," Zale whisper in my ears, but loud enough for me to still hear him despite the loud noises around us. Like we're the only two people on Earth. "Can you breathe underwater?"


"Then you better hold your breath. A dead princess is worth nothing." He says to me before he picks me up.

"Lana!" I hear my parents scream. I took one glance at them before we dive off the ship and into the whirlpool. I scream at the rush of wind, my heart plummets and we splash into the cold water, then I black out.

"Lanaa... Lanaaa..." A voice sings with glee, sounding far away and yet close. The voice echos around me in the darkness.

"Zale, I swear if this girl is dead, you will join her." Said the voice. The singing and tease was replace with stress and inpatient. 

I groan, the voices were getting louder. Ringing in my head. My eyes slowly flicker open and all I saw was dark blue. "Wha??" I mumbled before my head rolls back and my eyes flutter closed.

"Oh goodie! She is alive. Good. Now go outside to keep a look out. We're expecting company." Said the voice with eager.

I slowly opened my eyes again to see tenactales glide in front of me. Leaving a trail of bubbles behind it and disappear behind me.


I swear I jumped out of my skin when a face pop out from behind me. I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out.

The sea witch, Ursula, smiles evilly. "Oh don't bother, I took your voice away. No need to hear you yammering about how your parents are going to save you or whatever. I heard it all and you know what my dear? They weren't so lucky."

I glared at her. Wishing she'll get out of my face. I look behind her to realize we're in a dark cave. Cabinets line the walls open to reveal all kinds of oddities.

"You are probably wondering how you're not drowning right now," says Ursula as she applies red... Lipstick? "Lets just say I had to make a trade with you to give you that ability. After all nothing is free."

She then points down and I look expecting to see my dress, but no. My dress and legs were traded for a dark purple shimmering tail and purple seashell bra.

I felt my breathing increase and I felt like I was choking on air. My heart was pounding in my chest and head. I squeeze my eyes shut. Feeling my nails dig into my skin.

This can't be happening. This can't be happening. Its a dream. Its all a dream. No, no, not a dream, its a nightmare.

"Oh don't be dramatic. Zale told me you always wanted to come to the ocean. Maybe under other circumstances though am I right?" She laughs, her laughter echos in the cave.

I seethe at the mention of Zale's name. I let my head fall back against the wall in defeat. Which was also where I was tied up to with my arms tied behind me and my tail just floating there uselessly.

"Aw my son fooled you pretty good didn't he?" Ursula smirks. "Ah I raised him right. You know I must say he fooled me as well while I spied on you two."

She leans in close and whisper in my ear. "Don't tell him I said this but I didn't really think he had the guts to pull this plan off. But I am proud to say that he proved me wrong. And I don't say that very often."

She laughs, "Oh how silly of me, you can't talk!" She then pats her hand across my cheek. I growl and snapped at her and she quickly pull her hand away.

"Ooh we got a fighter." She taunts.

"Mother," a voice calls out from behind her.

"What?!" Ursula hisses as she turn around to face Zale. He takes one look at me and turns away. Looking at anything but me.

I glare at him, feeling hatred toward him. How bad I wanted to run up to him and punch him and scream in his face for playing with my feelings.

I sniff and feel a tear stream down my face. But I shake my head. No, I will not cry in front of him. I will not show weakness in front of him. I will not give them the pleasure. I was so stupid. Curse my heart. Curse Zale.

"King Triton, Queen Ariel, and King Eric are here." Zale says. I feel my heart rate slow down. "They're all here. The plan is working."

What will happen next? Will Lana's family save Lana? Or will Ursula and Zale win?

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