Chapter 27: A Tale of Heartbreak

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Zale's POV:

Of all stories in the entire world... Why The Little Mermaid?!

I squirm in my seat uncomfortably as Lana read her parent's love story while the kids listen quietly.

"The evil sea witch Ursula knew that the little mermaid was close to having her true love's kiss. So she used the voice of Ariel to transform herself into a beautiful human girl and used the enchanting voice to hypnotize the prince of Ocealan into falling in love with her..."

I stare at Lana's face as she reads. Eyes glancing at her hair feeling the need to brush a hair strand away from her face. And I keep glancing at her pink lips wondering how they taste before I advert my gaze away. Looking at anything besides Lana. I feel my face and ears grow warm.

You know this is good. Listening to this story. It reminds me of who I am and whats my destiny. Its my purpose in life to get revenge on the Little Mermaid's family. Not be in love and married! Thats for the weak links.

"What happens next?!" Gwen whispers as she scoots closer to Lana, interrupting my thoughts.

Haven't they heard this story like a million times?! I think to myself.

"Shh, and you'll see." Mrs. Leslie says calmly with a small smile.

The evening dawdles by as Lana continues to read and soon we were near the end.

"The prince then steers the boat into the sea witch. Driving the bowsprit into her gigantic form as the storm rages around him. The waves rocking his ship from side to side. And then WHOOSH! Throws his overboard!"

Then kids gasps, their eyes widen in shock. I smile at their reactions. Remembering my reaction when my mother told me her story and I was finally able to understand the words she spoke.

"The little mermaid swims to his side as he drifts down the ocean and brings up to the surface to dry land as the sea witch roars in pain in the distance. Her size decreases as her powers wane when the trident is free from her grasp."

"The king of Atlantica watch his daughter, the little mermaid, in sadness as she stares longing at her prince who rest in the sand safe.

"Even though he didn't want her to leave him and her sisters for a whole new world and love he knew its what she wanted. She deserves to be happy and feel like where she belongs.

"So he uses his own powers to give her legs, an opportunity for a happy life. Soon the prince and the little mermaid were married and lived happily ever after. The end."

The kids and Mrs. Leslie started to clap their hands and I join smiling at Lana. "Well its been great spending time with all of you. But Zale and I really need to get going." Lana says.

"Awww," the kids say in a union. "Please don't go," says Gwen with a pout and puppy eyes.

Lana pulls her in for a hug, "Aw Im sorry Gwen. But we have to go. I have duties to take care of at home."

Gwen giggles as the other follow suit. "You said 'duty'." She laughs.

Lana rolls her eyes, "You know what I mean. We have to get going now. Don't loose hope on families. They'll come for you. Now group hug!"

Before I could even step away all the kids came crashing in. Pulling Lana and me close and just embraced us. Lana was crushed againist my chest as I loomed over her and the orphans.

"Sorry about this," Lana says with a blush as she tries to look up me.

"Its fine," I breathe, "Just have another reason to be close to you." She looks away and blushes and I smile at her reaction.

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