Chapter 21: Evening

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Zale's POV:

My jaw drop when Lana and her mother enter the dining room. She looks so pretty in her turquoise dress, it especially brought out her blue eyes. Her fiery red hair flow down her shoulders, looking like waves.

Queen Ariel wore a simple pink dress with pearls. And her red hair tied up in a bun.

King Eric and I were having a conversation about Lana's upcoming birthday before they enter.

"Hey," Lana says as she takes a seat next to me. Her leg brushes against mine slightly and I pull mine away quickly as if I've been shock.

"Hey," I said, ignoring the heat that spread across my face, "I didn't know your birthday was in two days."

Her eyes widen, "Oh yeah... I guess I forgot."

I laugh, "How can you forget your own birthday? I don't understand how that happens. How old you're turning?"

"Nineteen," she answers as she takes a bite of her meal.

"Well aren't you excited?"

She shrugs, "Eh, its just another party with a lot of people attending."

"Lana doesn't seems to appreciate how that our neighboring kingdoms will be visiting." Says King Eric.

"Its just another year doing the same thing." She says sounding bored on the topic.

"Except I'm going to be there," I whispered and she smiles.

"Now I actually am looking forward to it." She says.

It will be my last day here before mother tells me to bring Lana to her. I think. And sadness flow down my body at the thought that everything here with everyone will be gone.

But we will rule.

That thought should've got me excited, but it didn't.

"Zale? Is something wrong?" Queen Ariel asks.

My thoughts broke and I slowly nod, "Yes your Highness. I'm fine. I was just thinking of something." I answer, flatly.

I perk up my head, "So what will be at the celebration?" I ask, wanting to think of anything, but my mother.

"There will be so many food that you wouldn't know what to try." Lana starts, using her fingers to list whatever was going to be there,"And music, lots of music. There will be alot of people and its going to be on a ship. I hope there will be enough room."

My eyes widen in surprise, "A ship? Its going to be on a ship?"

She nods, "Yes, we do it every year, you'll love it!"

Heh... As long as I don't get water on me. Just got to stay away from the edges I guess. I think to myself.

For the rest of the evening we talk of other random things, letting me forget who I really am. King Eric talk about kingdoms and parts of the world he had seen before he had to step up to the throne.

Queen Ariel talked about pranks she and her sisters had done to King Triton. And the games they played when they were younger. I had a few good laughs at the pranks she did to her father.

We were all laughing so hard as she did detail what happened after and I was clutching my stomach trying to breathe. It hurt so much but yet it felt so good and I love the feeling.

Even after dinner was over we stayed in the dining room listening to Lana's parents tell their stories of their younger days.

Soon the evening wanes and it was time to retire to bed. Lana decides to walk me to my room.

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