Chapter 29: Truth is Out

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Zale's POV:

Lana leads me to the corner of the ship where little people could see us. She leans on the rails and looks out into the ocean. I stand behind her with my hands still behind my back, putting as much distance as possible.

She looks so beautiful standing in her pink dress, looking out into the ocean. Her red hair was neatly comb back into a braided updo. A diamond tiara rest on her head with a red ruby in the center.

I clear my throat and look away, "What do you want to talk about?" I ask.

"Zale I-" she starts but was then interrupted by King Eric's booming voice.

"Good evening everyone!" He says at the front of the ship, standing proud on the forecastle deck with Queen Ariel at his side. I glare at him, my fists clench at my side. "The time has come for celebration to begin! Captain Yi set sail for Atlantic!"

"Yes sir!" Captain Yi shouts back from the ship's steering wheel. "Alright men! Lets get her moving!"

I feel the ship shift forward lightly. Seagulls that were resting on the ships crow's nest flew upward and squawk at the disturbance.

I turn back to Lana, "You were saying?" I stare down at my hands and trace the scars the glass left me. The spell wasn't strong enough to hide the scars. But I was able to clean up the mess I made before the servants could come in to clean my room.

Before she could continue, a voice interrupted. "Princess!" A look of irritation was seen across her face.

I turn around to see a man in a fancy captain suit approach fast til he was close enough to grab Lana into a hug. "I'm so glad you're safe!" He cries. I look down at him, sizing him up. Making note of the sword sheathed in his scabbard which was attached to his belt.

A smile breaks through her face. The look of annoyance was gone. "Captain Gibson! Welcome back!" When did you arrived?" She greets.

He laughs, his chest vibrating. "I barely made it in time! We just arrived back from Femos. I thanked the heavens when I heard you were rescued.

"And I must say I have to meet this person who rescued you when my men and I weren't able to protect you. I am so sorry princes, I would have never ever forgive myself if you were killed. Please forgive me princess."

Lana smiles sweetly at him. I swear this girl is too kind for this world. She's perfect. "Captain Gibson it was not your fault. The storm came out of nowhere and no one could have predicted it. There's nothing to forgive. I am alive and safe. Thanks to Zale here."

I look out into the ocean. I had a feeling mother was coming soon. The skies were already getting dark. Storm clouds form covering the sun and any hint of blue sky. Wind howels against the ship. Seagulls suddenly stop following the ship. Few people notice the change in the atmosphere.

"Zale?" Captain Gibson says, bringing me back to the conversation next to me. "Thank you for protecting the princess when I couldn't. Its an honor to meet the you."

I squeeze my eyes shut and grimance. Pain grows through my body. I can't feel my legs.

"Meet? Captain Gibson you know Zale. He's a member of your crew. I think you hit your head during the storm." Lana says with a nervous laugh.

Captain Gibson frowns. "No. I never hired a young man name Zale. And I never forget the members of my crew neither."

Lana looks at me with confusion written across her face. "Zale? You told me you were a part of Captain Gibson's crew. Did you lie to me?"

Slowly I took a couple of steps back. Making sure to be as stealthy as possible so they don't notice my retreat. "Lana theres something I need to tell you."

Lightening strikes the water, shouts of shock were heard of the ladies standing on the ships side. They back slowly away from the rails, nervously.

"Now now everyone," Queen Ariel says loudly enough for everyone to hear. "The storm is not upon us. We are safe. No need to worry."

Still everyone avoid the rails. Staying close to the center of the ship as if that will protect them from my mother's wrath.

"Zale? What do you have to say for yourself?" Lana asks, bringing my attention back to her. No one still hasn't notice her disappearance. No one is paying any attention to our conversation.

"Yes I lied." I answer, my hands clenching into fists. My body stiffens, as if bracing for any attack. Ready for anything.

"Why? Are you a fugitive? Runaway? Did you do something wrong?" She asks hurt are seen in her stormy grey eyes that match the sky.

"Not exactly," I said forcing a smile on my face. Usually it don't feel this kind of strain on my smile before.

"Then what are you? Who are you?"

I look out into the ocean to see a dark long tenacle swish in the air before it dive back into the water. Waves were being push by something underneath the water's surface. The wind picked up pace and thunder rumbles around us.

Suddenly a burning intensity climbed from the tip of my toes to my entire body. I cried out in pain and double over. Im shaking as I feel my thighs submerged together as one.

I feel my tentacles grow from my legs. I breathe in relief when the pain subside. The transformation left me in exhaustion. And my clothes in a heap of mess underneath me.

I hear the sound of a sword pulled out. I look up to see Lana holding the sword in my face with horror in her eyes as she stare at my true form.

I smile wickedly as I stand to my full height. With shoulders back and head held high as my tentacles swirl around me. "I'm the son of Ursula."

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