3. A 'Not-so Boring' family of Mine

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In the train, I wondered about the dream city Mumbai. Dad came here around fifteen years ago as a software engineer. He has all things a man aspires for- a home, a family and a good salary- but he doesn’t believe much in the ‘Havan-Kund’ type prayers.

According to him, we will achieve what is in our destiny and no one can change it, so what is the purpose of such prayers. OK, but mom is totally different. I even wonder how my mom and dad agreed to get married.

Mom is just like a typical-traditional-Indian -housewife. She gets up early in the morning, gets our lunch ready, she does the necessary prayers, and gives a well see-off to us.

She goes in every puja, havan and bhandara in our locality. According to her, puja , Havan and bhandara are the offerings of the Almighty. These are the places where we receive God’s blessings.

I figured out this that how liars up penetrating in our society. Mom manages to force Dad to go in every Havan and there we are- well dressed, traditional and great followers. But the most I think is the lie, that Dad doesn’t like the wastage of food in bhandara in pooja nd havans(which people leave in plates after eating), so he is a little tempted at the moment & at that particular time a woman comes & says “Oh! How cute couple they are.” I mean –‘not in the temple!’.

Another hour passed, everything was fine except one. ZIGGY. He wasn’t answering my questions and for the past few days, he wasn’t talking in my mind. I missed his loud male voice. He must be an youth. Like the way he talked, his deep voice, his ascent, all reminded me of an 18 year old ‘kid'.

I looked in our compartment and found that all the people in the compartment were full of joy.

I laid down to take a nap.  In my dream -
I saw goddess TanotMata. She was welcoming us cheerfully, mom was singing ‘Chalo bulava aaya hai, Mata ne bulaya hai’. Dad was also pleased.  But suddenly I heard a strange sound somebody was running and coming towards me. I was unable to see his/her face. The person attacked on me.

Neel! Wake up dude!
Neel wake up! Now!

Somebody spoke shouted it to me. Area near me started to fade. My dream broke.

I was sweating.

Then I heard, “A little help?” It was ZIGGY. The thing which sucks is that he can speak in my mind but I can’t speak in his.

I got up and started to walk towards the door of my compartment. “ To where?” mom questioned.
“Washroom mom."

I went inside the toilet and locked it. “ZIGGY, where have you been for past two days?”

He didn’t answer.

“You saw my dream, didn’t you?”

Again no answer.

“ See if you are spying on me, tell me, leave my friendship. Friends do not spy on each other."

“Because they don’t have to."

“What do you mean?”

“Close friends know everything about each other. They don’t need to be a spy. They really are like one."

“No they are not."

“See, who is telling this to me, You? “

On this topic, he was getting on my nerve. “From when are you in this world? Because your philosophy is wrong."

“From the very beginning of space and time.” he said in an angry mood.
“I am sorry.” he said. His voice was calm now. He was trying to be polite.
“Come straight to the topic. Why were you seeing my nightmare?”

“ Neel, this nightmare was much more dangerous than your previous ones,-"

(Yes! I was having strange nightmares for over two years. There was only one nightmare. But the nightmare seemed to open in installments. First the 1st part came, then the second and it has happened many times that I wake up screaming. This is another topic, I will talk about it later.)

“- this nightmare was so much terrible that it would have killed you."

So he was watching my past dreams also. That was something new and bad at the same time.

“No it wouldn’t. I was just dreaming."

“Neel, in Hinduism, dreamland is a place where your soul leaves you body and meets that of others, even gods. It’s a helical world where your soul has job to do. Anything happening to your soul there will affect your life here. And in your case, your soul would have died."

I didn’t understand anything- helical world, godly interaction and , soul dying! Whatever I understood was that it was a social media platform for souls

Sb- SoulBook
And Soul Messenger.

“See, I know you didn’t understand. Lets give an example, have you read Percy Jackson?”

I nodded.

“Beautiful Creatures?”
I nodded again.

“Your dream was mixture of both of them. You were going to see the future, and at the same time, your soul was getting destroyed. Seeing future will make a risk that you may change the fates. And if your soul wouldn’t comeback in your body, you surely will die."
Now I hated the word FATES.

I wanted to have answers. Three persons knew my future. One knew that what was going to happen soon. And two knew my fate. I really hate this word.

Then suddenly I heard a knock on the door

“Neel! What are you doing? No one takes half an hour for getting fresh” my mom was calling from outside. I forgot that I was in the washroom.


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Awesome question from my favourite Wattpad author

What kind of a being is ZIGGY? A ginnie? A ghost?

So, what do you think he is? Comment on it. Show your guesses and lets see, who is seeking in the head of ZIGGY

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