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A few hours later, John and Sherlock still weren't back. Alex was getting worried. Suddenly, she heard something thumping. She crept to the stairs to look. John was dragging Sherlock up the stairs.

"Oh my God!" Alex said. "What happened?"

"It was all so crazy." John panted. "Help me, will you?"

"Sure." Alex said. She grabbed Sherlock's arms and helped John carry him. "What happened?"

"That woman appeared in front of us with nothing on. Then, some CIA agents came in and tried to kill me. Finally, she gave stabbed Sherlock with a syringe full of some drug." John explained. "He's going to be out for a couple of hours."

"I'll keep an eye on him." Alex said. 

John and Alex brought Sherlock into his bedroom. Alex tucked Sherlock in. He was mumbling things in his sleep. Alex just thought it was the drugs talking. What she didn't know, however, was that Sherlock was having a dream.

"Got it!" Irene said. Sherlock looked around in confusion. He was sitting in the car that had backfired. He tried to say something, but Irene pressed a finger to his lips. "Oh, shh, shh, now. Don't get out. I'll do the talking." 

Sherlock still got out. It was his dream, he could do whatever he pleased. Irene had moved to the back of the car. She was examining the pipe.

"So, the car is about to backfire. And the hiker, he's staring at the sky. Now, you said he could be watching birds, but he wasn't, was he?"  Irene said. "He was watching another kind of flying thing. The car backfires-" The car backfired right then. "-and the hiker turns to look, which was his big mistake." 

The man was hit with a boomerang, making both Sherlock and Irene jump. They looked at it on the ground.

"By the time the driver looks up, the hiker is already dead. What he doesn't see is what killed him, because it's already being washed downstream. An accomplished sportsman recently returned from foreign travel with a boomerang. You got that all from one look?" Irene asked. She raised her eyebrows and nodded, impressed. "Definately the new sexy." 

"I...I..." Sherlock said, unable to get more than that out. This was a new emotion to him, one he'd never felt before. 

He felt his head being rested on pillows and blankets pulling around him. He could hear Alex talking to him, telling him something. Sherlock heard her footsteps leaving. He suddenly heard someone else's footsteps coming in. It was Irene. He tried to stir and she ran her hand over his hair.

"Hush, now." She said. "It's okay. I'm only returning your coat."

Alex returned into the room after going to the bathroom. It felt like something was different. She ignored it and sat by Sherlock's side. Suddenly, his eyes flew open. He lifted his head off the pillow and flexed his jaw, rolling it slightly.

"John? Alex?" He said. "Alex! John!"

Alex tried to let Sherlock know she was there, but it was too late. Sherlock was getting up and throwing the sheets off of him. He fell down. Alex tried not to laugh.She took out her phone and started filming Sherlock. John came in the room.

"You okay?" He asked.

"How did I get here?" Sherlock asked.

"Well, I don't suppose you remember much." John said. "You weren't making a lot of sense. Oh, I should warn you, I think Alex is filming you."

"Where is she?" Sherlock asked.

"Where is who?" Alex asked.

"The woman, that woman." Sherlock said.

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