Welcome Back Mr. Holmes

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The theme for this case will be "Together Again" from Here Comes Garfield.


Sherlock was running, running faster than he ever had in his life. It was dark out, so he couldn't really see where he was going. His hair had grown long in the last year months since he hadn't had access to a good barber for a long time. It was also very tangled.

Run, Sherlock! Run like Alex is waiting for you! Sherlock thought.

He could hear the Serbian men chasing him. He was running right into their trap, but he didn't know it. His legs hurt so bad. He was pretty sure he had strained a muscle. Sherlock heard a gun shooting. He was surrounded by three men. Sherlock dropped to his knees, panting. He was taken back to their headquarters. He knew very well what was coming. This had happened too many times before in the last two years. He was going to get tortured for information. His shirt was ripped off and he was put into chains. Sherlock groaned in pain when the torture began.

This is all for Alex. This is the last bit of Moriarty's Network. When this is over, you can go back to her and John. You can go home. Sherlock thought. These thoughts were the only things that kept him going.

The torture went on for about two hours. Sherlock was so tired... The only thing that kept him going at this very moment was the thought of Alex and the sound of her laugh that ran through his mind palace. Sherlock was slumping on the ground and the chains that were digging into his wrists were the only things that were holding him up.

"You broke in here for a reason. Just tell us why and you can sleep. Remember sleep?" Sherlock's interrogator taunted in Serbian. He drew back his weapon to hit Sherlock again when Sherlock whispered something. "What?"

"Well?" The man's assistant said, who was sitting in a chair with his feet up. His voice sounded oddly familiar, but Sherlock couldn't quite place it since he was so tired. "What did he say?"

"He said I used to work in the Navy where I had an unhappy love affair." The interrogator said. "That the electricity isn't working in my bathroom and that my wife is sleeping with our next door neighbor the coffin maker and that if I go home right now I'll catch them at it! I knew it! I knew there was something going on!"

The man left. Sherlock smirked tiredly. He knew Alex would be proud of that. The other man got up and walked towards Sherlock

"So, my friend. Now it's just you and me. You have no idea the trouble it took to find you." The man said. He pulled Sherlock's hair away from his ear. "Now, listen to me. There's an underground terrorist network active in London and a massive attack is imminent. Sorry, but the holiday is over, brother, dear. Back to to Baker Street and Alexandra Watson, Sherlock Holmes."

A smirk played on Sherlock's lips as he looked up at Mycroft. Finally, he was going home.


It had been a full two years since Sherlock's death and a year since Alex had seen the uncut version of his birthday message. She hadn't seen John at all since then. She was doing well, but she was mad at her brother. He hadn't even texted her. Mrs. Hudson didn't really charge a rent for Alex now. Alex still missed Sherlock dearly, but had fully accepted the fact that he was gone. She was playing the piano one morning when she heard the door open. She went downstairs to see who it was. It was her brother, who hadn't even called to say he was coming.

"Hi, Joooeeehhnn..." Alex's voice elongigated her brother's name and trailed off as she saw the mustache that was on his face. "What the heck is that?"

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