The Wave

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There's said to be three different process in which one can fall in love.

The first type is "The wave" process.
This is also known as "Ideal love". Everything about it seems rosy and perfect.
This is the one, that's most commonly depicted in movies. It's a slow and involuntary process. Time seems to stop each time you see the person, whom you have fallen for. World around you looks prettier. The more you see the person, the more you fall for them.

It all occurs unconsciously. By the time you realize, it has already begun.

And its rare. It doesn't happen to everyone.

It feels as if, you are swept off by a wave, and you let yourself flow with it, until you reach a point of no return.

The point of no return is what I call attaining "True love".

Once you reach this point, there is no turning back. You can never undo it. You will forever love this person truly until your last breath. He or She becomes your one and only true love.

But, it's always possible to fall out of love, if you haven't reached 'the point' yet.

Incase of the wave process, falling out of love is a bit difficult.
Since, the whole occurrence was involuntary and felt like a wave sweeping you along, you need a hell lot of strength to go against it.

The whole world will conspire against you and try to keep you in love with the person; and getting over him or her requires lot of mental strength, mind control and determination.
But once, you win over the tides and reach the shore, you will feel relieved.
You will feel free.

Now, you would ask or should ask why would one want to fall out of love?

The answer being, the love was unrequited, impossible to begin with or with the wrong person.

The faster you recognize this fact, the better it is. Or else you would end up reaching the point of no return, before you even realize.

Now what if your feelings are mutual? That's a great news then, as you can completely surrender yourself to those waves and let them carry you forward in order to attain what you seek.

Inspite of this process being an unconscious and involuntary one, nevertheless, surrendering yourself to the waves is a scary thing.

Your love might be mutual, your love might have a future, your relationship might be great. Inspite of everything being in your favor, you may remain scared and keep struggling with the waves. The reason for the struggle could be anything that ranges from lack of trust in your partner to lack of confidence in yourselves. This prevents you from reaching the desired 'true love' destination, and you are stuck in between.

Love isn't meant for the weak-hearted. It requires courage.

Courage to surrender to the waves. And only then, can one conquer love.

[ Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
You can always refer the correlation chapters for examples regarding the different processes. I have given examples from books/movies/mangas/animes :)]

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