True love

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There is a famous saying, that you live once, you die once and you love once.

If you ask me, I would say, a person can love countless number of times. But 'True love' happens only once in life.

True love is about giving your whole self completely to the person you love, such that you no longer have any rights over you.
And how can you give yourself again to any other person, when you already belong to a certain someone.

From the moment you fall in love, until you attain true love; the time taken varies from person to person.
It's easy to fall out of love in this period, if one is not focussed.

Incase of "the hurricane", it all happens spontaneously.
Incase of "the wave", once the person stops struggling, it's only a matter of time, that they get swept off to the point of no return.
But these two forms are rare ones.

Incase of "the dive", regardless of being non hesitant and focussed, it may take years and years to reach the desired destination.
This being the most common form of love, we also see majority of the divers giving up on their journey, inspite of what may seem like a perfect relationship, that had lasted for years.
Hence, the notion that true love doesn't exist.

It exists, but not everyone are capable of attaining it.
Also, it's more common than you think it is. It's just, not loud enough to be noticed.

If you take a look at the couples around you, who are 50 or 60 plus age, you would start being aware of it.

Even those imperfect couples who fight endlessly, yet having managed to have stayed together for more that 20-30 years, are classic examples.

Here comes the next question. How do you know you love someone? What exactly is love?

Well, there are many definitions for love.

But trust me. You would know, when you do.

Humans are capable enough to understand and recognize abstract stuffs.

Let us just take the word "Understand" for example. We all know what it means. But how did we learn it, how did we know, it is what it is?
Yet, we managed to understand the word "Understand".

When the time comes, you would also know whether you have met the love of your life, and what exactly the word 'Love' means.

[Next coming chapters, I will give examples from movies, animes, books and manga characters who belong to 'the wave', 'the dive' and 'the hurricane'.

Hope you loved this chapter or atleast liked it or maybe found it worth your time? >.>
As you take your time to think about it, do let me know in the comments whether you believe in 'true love' :p ]

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