The Mania

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This is the type of relationship, where one partner is extremely obsessive or possessive of the other. They can not spend any time apart from their partners and experience great emotional highs and lows.

The person with overwhelming desire to possess his/her partner, also tends to take rejections, failures or breakups very harshly.

Some may even argue that, this type of behaviour should be considered as mental illness. Although it's not proven yet.

Some examples include :

The 2014 movie, 'Gone Girl'.

The anime 'Mirai Nikki'.

Some bollywood movies like, 'Darrar', 'Gupt'.

I personally believe, even normal people are capable of obsessive love.
This kind of relationship includes a partner who controls, and another who is being controlled.
In most cases, it begins with the partner slowly enroaching your life, and one being unable to say 'no'.
He/she may first start by controlling whom you spend your time with, later the type of clothes you wear, and later each and every activities that you do.
It may take years for the one, who is 'being controlled' to realize and break off this toxic relationship.

You can prevent being in such a relationship, or atleast realize sooner by having a strong stance of your own, by not adjusting or compromising your lifestyle and beliefs, for the sake of your partner.

Always remember,

"Give them your finger, they will take your whole hand."

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