Correlation part 2

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One of the most famous example of "The wave" would be the movie "Twilight".
Both Edward and Bella falling for each other, is slow and involuntary.
We can not point out exactly where and when it happened, but we do know it was inevitable.
We also, find them struggling since the male protagonist is not human. In the end, they do give in to the waves and rightly belong to each other.

Then there's the 2002 movie, "A walk to remember". A classic example of wave.
If you haven't watched it, I strongly recommend this one, but I warn you, it's a tear jerker. It has a cliche story of a bad guy falling for a good girl, only to find out later that her days are limited. Nevertheless, it's beautiful.
The bad guy, Landon Carter is unconsciously swept off by the honest and sweet Jamie Sullivan, to a point beyond reach.
And we see him, doing everything he can to keep her happy until her last moments.

Some of my favourite examples of 'The wave', include mangas like 'Ao haru ride', 'Kimi ni todoke', a bollywood movie 'Veer Zara', a classic novel 'Jane eyre' by Charlotte Bronte.

But the one I wish to talk about in detail, is the most famous Japanese animated movie "Kimi no nawa" also known as "Your name".
It's a must watch masterpiece! With a very unique storyline.
The male and female protagonists do not even belong to the same timeline, yet end up loving each other and you can not exactly point out when. The anime will make you laugh and cry at the same time.
It's clearly a wave.
And Honestly the wave is so strong and mesmerizing that even you get pulled in with it.

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