The storge

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There is a saying,
"You may not find a good friend in your husband, but you'll definitely find a good husband in your friend."

"The Storge" is an affectionate love, that slowly develops from friendship, because of similarities between the couple.
Here, people spend a long time together, with each moment, their bond growing stronger and stronger, before ultimately being sexually attracted and getting into a relationship.
Their significant other is also their best friend and they enjoy hobbies or activities together.

One of the advantage of turning your friendship into love, is the fact that you know the person inside out.
But one disadvantage being, if you ever fall out of love, you also lose your friend.
Nevertheless, this form of relationship has a very high chance of lasting longer.

Some examples of 'The storge' are-

Monica and Chandler from 'Friends' series (I know!)

The movie '13 going on 30'

The novel 'David Copperfield', where the main protagonist, David, falls for his long term friend, Agnes.

The webtoon 'Something about us' by Lee yunji

The manga 'Wotakoi- love is hard for otaku'

The bollywood movie, 'Kal ho na ho' where Naina and Rohit get married.

'Clannad' anime protagonists

I would say, if you ever fall in love with your best friend, then go for it!
After all, what's more perfect than finding love and friendship in the same person?


Since I talked about "The storge" type of couple, which is based on friendship.
The next chapter will deal with friendship with the opposite sex.

I am sorry to disappoint you, in case you were looking forward to the 'Third type of relationship'.
But the purpose of this book, is to help you reach a better understanding about yourself and your feelings.

Hope you are enjoying this book until now :)

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