Stay firm/Compromise/Adjust/Breakup?

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Stay firm
While in a relationship, you need to ask yourself and your partner a few questions.

Are you both on the same page?
Are you serious about each other or in it for fun or looking for an open relationship.
Are you okay with long distance if it demands.
How much of your time are you ready to invest in it.

This is something you both should clear out while you begin to date or during the initial stages.

Do you want the same future?
You need to discuss this, only after you know him/her well enough.
(It would be really weird if you ask it within a month.)
Do you want kids. Do you plan on getting married in near or far future.
Your career and life goals shouldn't contradict with your partner's, if it does then 'career or relationship'?
Would you go against all odds- including parents' disapproval- to be with each other.

Most importantly, Is there anything about your partner that isn't acceptable?

Their mentality- sexist, racist, materialistic, inferiority complex, superstitious.

Lifestyle- Do they spend money lavishly or like misers. Do they go out partying. Their food habits. How disciplined are they, how neat are they, how religious are they.

Any addictions- gaming, alcohol, smoking, drugs, shopping, animes

Past - criminal records, past relationship, family history.

Family or friends- Do you dislike them? If yes, are you both on same page on how to deal with them.

Behaviour- abusive, violent, obsessive, reckless, clingy-how much space do you need? Are they freaks- crazy about discipline, neatness, religion.

What do they do for a living? Is his/her job acceptable for you. Any health issues- mental or physical.

You need to find the above, while you are in a relationship. Getting to know them also includes knowing these details.
At any point, you find something unacceptable, you need to talk things out. It is a red flag.

There isn't a particular time when you'll realize, "He/she is the one made for you".
Rather, you keep affirming that your partner is indeed 'the one you wish to be with', each and every moment.
I mean, if you don't feel this way, or are doubtful, why stay firm?

[Finally, found some time to update :)
Thanks for your votes and support all this while.]

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