The Rational

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Also known as "Pragma" or "Practical love".
It is the kind of relationship, that's driven by head and not by heart.
In other words, it's based upon intellect and reasoning; rather than instinct, intuition or romance.

In the days of arranged marriages, 'Pragma' has been very common.
Although, it doesn't sound appealing, it still remains widespread (especially in India).

Couples usually come together considering factors such as compatibility, shared goals and willingness to work things out. Here, compatibility includes similar religion, beliefs, financial status, education status, personalities, career and many more conditions that the couple agrees upon.
This kind of relationship may begin with very little passion or intimacy, but it may evolve into something beautiful over time, resulting in a deeper bond between the couple.

An example of 'The rational' would be-

The 2009 movie, 'The Proposal'

There aren't many movies/books/animes that depicts 'the pragma', that I am aware of.
But, I am sure, you guys see it around you, all the time.

After all, there is a saying,

Love is not necessarily a choice, rather a willingness to be present for someone else, without pretense or guile;
Whether you do it rationally or intinctively, either doesn't matter.

[ If you do know any examples of 'The Rational' type of relationship, do comment :)

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