The Dive

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The second process of falling in love is called "The Dive". Also known as "The hard love".

This one is conscious, voluntary and slow. The most common one seen around us. You fall for the person slowly as you get to know him or her. You can back out anytime you want to. This process takes effort since its voluntary.

You need to keep yourself motivated and optimistic to keep diving in until you attain your destiny ie. 'true love'.
This whole process takes a hell lot of time. It takes years and years and requires a lot of focus and energy.

Falling out of love in this case is comparitively easier, as this is a conscious process. All you need to do, is decide to dive back up.

Although the moving on process is easy, the fact that you voluntarily put in efforts one sidedly in something fruitless, is a hard to swallow pill.

Even after you dive back up, you need to spend a lot of time in introspection and in mending up your hurt ego.

So many thoughts race through your mind. Why did I end up wasting my time? Was it my fault? Was it the other person's fault? I put in so much efforts, why didn't it reach the other person? Was it worth it? Could things have been better? Was I not good enough? Was the other person not good enough?

Unlike the ones, who overcome the waves and reach the shore feeling all relieved, the divers on reaching the shore feel drained and tired. They feel as if they have failed in their venture.

And failures are never easy to accept.

Broken heart, along with a hurt ego is the worst combination. While broken heart heals with time.
A hurt ego may never heal. One needs to learn self forgiveness.

You need to keep telling yourself that it's okay to fail, it's okay to make mistakes, as far as you learn from it.

Also, just like surrendering to the waves, diving in is a beautiful process. It takes a lot of courage, as you go exploring the unknown territory. One must not hesitate and be strong-willed. Only then, can they reach their destination.

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