Correlation Part 1

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Romeo and Juliet without doubt belongs to "The hurricane".
We notice how suddenly they fell for each other, and how things went into a spiral for them.

Another example would be "Jack and Rose" from the film "Titanic"
Both fell in love with each other, in the very short span of time that was spent together, and also ended up loving each other until their very last breath.

"Wuthering heights" novel by Emily Bronte is another case. I strongly recommend this nineteenth century classic.
You will either love the characters or hate them, but won't be able to ignore them.
The main protagonists are Heathcliff and Catherine. While reading the book, we know the exact moment they fall for each other, and how crazy they were about each other even when they didn't convey it, and we also knew they will never be able to love someone else.
But things don't go well as both end up marrying different people. Catherine is shown to be filled with grief and her death isn't one of the most comfortable ones.
The novel is filled with revenge and hatred, but also shows the undying love of Heathcliff, and how he almost goes psychotic.

There is an example with happy ending too. 2004 movie "The Notebook"
The couple fall in love suddenly, and instantly end up reaching the point of no return. They are wild and free when with each other. Their strong longing for each other, keeps them together. We also watch them growing old and dying together beside each other.

There is also an anime where we can see this process. You may not even guess it.
"Your lie in April" also known as "Shigatsu wa kimi no uso". One of the best romance animes. *Spoiler alert*

The whole anime revolves around Kosei Arima, a genius pianist who quit playing the instrument.
And about him slowly, involuntarily falling in love with Kaori Miyazono. That's definitely a wave. He was swept off by the female protagonist before he even realized it himself. He kept telling himself he isn't allowed to like her since Kaori is in love with his friend.
It's only towards the end of the anime, we realize why the anime is titled 'Your lie in April'.
It all began from 'the one lie' that Kaori tells Kosei, about her liking his friend.
Instead it's revealed, she had always and always loved Kosei.
The hurricane I am referring to, is about the love of Kaori Miyazono towards the male protagonist.
She fell for him suddenly and instantly while listening to him play his piano, when she was merely 6-8 years old. She became interested in music through him, and we see her strong resolve and vitality that inspires Kosei to resume playing the piano.
We realize that it was Kaori, who one sidedly loved Kosei, and her love will always remain so.
All the while, fooling us with her lie in April.

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