Can men and women remain friends?

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If you have a friend, who is of the opposite sex; how often have you heard,
"Men and Women can't be friends?"

The reasoning behind this claim being, a man and a woman, might at some point of time, feel sexually attracted to each other.

But, is sexual attraction or sexual orientation, the deciding factor for friendship?
Then, a bisexual/pansexual should be incapable of making friends.
Then, homosexuals should be incapable of being friends with their same gender itself.
Is that the case?

I believe, it all varies from person to person.
If you think, you can't be friends with your opposite sex, then you can't.
But if you feel, you can; then, most certainly you can.

It depends on how you define, what friendship means to you.

Can you be friends with someone, who belongs to the opposite gender, but isn't 'your type' (i.e. The person wouldn't turn you on, no matter what)?

Can you be friends with someone, whom, you might feel is 'sexually attractive' in future?

Can you be friends with someone, even after you realize, you are attracted to them?

Can you be friends with someone, whom you know, is attracted to you?

Can you be friends, while having a sexual relationship or being physically intimate with them? The so called term being 'friends with benefits'.

Can you be friends with your crush, or someone you know has a crush on you?

If your answer to these questions are 'Yes', then you most certainly can.
If it's no, then you can not.

While there are cases, where it's preferable to back off a bit.

Supposing, your friend is infatuated by you, or likes you romantically, or has fallen for you.
In these cases, if you aren't interested in reciprocating those feelings; it is always better to make things clear, as soon as possible.
And if they still are pursuing you persistently, then better back off.
Or one of you, might get hurt in future.

Supposing, you are the one, who likes your friend in romantic sense; be honest and be sure, to get your emotions across to them.
If they feel uncomfortable, back off then. You certainly don't want to be hurt.
If you do not back off, then embrace yourself for the future, where you 'might' get hurt.

Here is an example from a very famous book, where the characters remain friends until the end.

'Harry Potter' and 'Hermione Granger'.
I believe, none of us would question the genuineness of their friendship.
Also, Hermione did end up, with her other friend, Ron Weasley; and they make a wonderful couple.

[Hope this chapter was useful :)
In the coming chapters, I shall talk about, the other 4 types of relationships ^.^]

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