Chapter Five: Issues

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Chapter Five: Issues


The three of us were dozing off after just finishing The Lion King when my phone started to vibrate by my elbow. I scooped it up and padded barefoot into the kitchen as not to wake up my siblings.

I had a text message from PJ, Jack and Chris. I checked the time on my phone, it was midnight so why would they be texting me. I clicked on Chris's message first.

Chris: I'm sorry Alice; I didn't expect the photo to blow up. I hope Finn doesn't get the wrong idea.

I didn't even know what picture Chris was talking about. I decided to open PJ's message next, hopefully it would have more explanation.

PJ: You might want to check the KicktheAlice tag on Tumblr, Chris already apologised to me. If you need someone to talk to, then don't hesitate to call me.

I tiptoed back into the living room and found my tablet amongst a mass of pillows and blankets, I knew the KicktheAlice tag existed but I assumed that it had died down.

I decided to log into Tumblr to see what the hell was going on. While my tablet connected to the internet I needed to know what Jack's text said. Chris had mentioned Finn so I was slightly confused as to why Jack was texting me and not Finn.

I knew we had a fight but we still messaged each other, was this Tumblr thing really that bad that Finn was ignoring me completely.

Jack: I know you and Finn had a fight but Finn saw the photo that Chris took of you and PJ and got the wrong idea. Please tell me that you and PJ are just friends.

I don't remember a photo of me and PJ; I think both of us would have known if someone took a photo. Tumblr opened and my heart sank at the sight of my timeline. I didn't need to check out the tag because on my homepage were multiple pictures of me getting out of the taxi and hugging PJ.

I then saw why Chris had apologised; he had taken the photo from the living room window and uploaded it to his Instagram with the line 'Ah so cute' attached. Some of the other guys had then liked it which obviously alerted the fans, who then put it all over the internet.

The photo was innocent, PJ was returning my notebook and I hugged him because I couldn't function without it. Of course fans would get the wrong idea, and because my phone had been on silent they took my silence as a sign of guilt.

I quickly replied back to Jack.

Alice: We are only friends, you know I can't go anywhere without my notebook. I left it in the house and PJ gave it back to me. That hug was innocent, how's Finn? Nothing happened between me and PJ.

When Jack didn't reply back I got nervous and decided to clear up the situation on Twitter.

@ASugg: @KickthePJ and I are just friends...that hug was innocent...people need to know the facts before they make assumptions...

Within seconds my tweet had hundreds of favourites and retweets. I bit my lip as I began scrolling through the comments; I hardly saw any positive amongst the growing sea of hate.

Alice Sugg is a slut, she has the kindest boyfriend but sleeps with other guys behind his back

God, go kill yourself, none of the JacksGap fans will ever like a dirty little whore like you

Finn deserves someone he can trust. Is Alice the only Sugg keeping secrets?

No one likes you Alice, you used Finn to make a name for yourself on YouTube, go die in a ditch

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