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I was beyond mad. I cannot imagine what would have happened if I was not there. If Jisoo did not say anything about Kris. I was almost too late.

Looking at the girl who was peacefully sleeping in my arms, how I wish she would forever be with me.

I silently slip out of bed stealthily not wanting to disturb her slumber.

I decided to go downstairs and prepare breakfast for Jennie.

"You are up early dear."

"Just preparing breakfast for Jennie mom." She gave me a knowing smile but eventually turned into a frown.

"Is she feeling any better? She look so drained when you carried her home last night." I cleared my throat unable to find the words to tell my mom. I even do not know if Jennie would be comfortable if I told my mom about the incident last night.

Deciding the safest answer I thought, "She just had a little too much in the party last night. You know how it is when graduation comes close." I jested and luckily she did not ask any further.

"I'll just take this to Jennie." And she smiled.

As I neared my room, I was preparing to wake the sleeping beauty but I guess I do not need to do any of that as she was already awake.

"Slept well." She slightly jumped upon hearing my voice.

"Ye--ah. Thanks for taking... care of me..." I gave her a gentle smile.

"It was nothing Jen. Here eat some." She did not protest and ate the breakfast that I made.

All throughout breakfast, I only looked at Jennie, the silence in the room was deafening. I wanted her to say something upfront. Trash and rant at anything for what had happened but ever since she awoke
she was all calm and collected but she would tend to be giddy and easily surprised.


"Don't please Lisa." I sighed knowing I cannot force her to say anything if it is not her will to do so.

Suddenly my phone rang. It was Chu.

"Chu? Something wrong?"

"Just wanna inform you that Kris is detained. Cops were asking how he got so beaten up but he did not tell on you."

"Good! He deserves it."

"I won't fight you on that. Take care of the kitten." And she hang up. Jisoo and I were civil but after last night I knew I had her always at my back regardless of anything.

When I turned around Jennie was already standing with her belongings clutched near her.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going home" she said flatly.

I stopped her by grabbing her arm lightly turning her towards me.

"You can stay here Jen as long as you want." She laughed darkly.

"Look if you want my gratitude, you got it. Thank you for saving me last night. But you don't have the right to act as my bestfriend!" She said as she pointed hardly against me. "Not when you left me in the dark without any explanation Lisa!"

It was then that I pulled her towards me and engulfed her in a hug as I soothen her back.

When I felt that she had calmed down, I pulled away to see her face.

"You don't know how hard it was for me to stay away from you."

"Then why Lili? I know we have our problems but why would you push me away?"

"Because I fell in love."

"With Rosie is it? Was she the one who wanted you to distance yourself from me?"

I sighed. This was always our problem, her being dense of my feelings towards her.

"Answer me Lisa!"

"It was because I love you, damn it!" I looked at her after the outburst.

"And you are just so in love with someone else Jen. It was what I thought was best."

"You only do things with up consulting others. Did you even ask me what I felt?!" I remained silent.

"Thought so." And she stormed off.

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