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I honestly do not know if what I did was the right thing to do whether or not I would have overstepped.

After getting call from Chae and hearing about Lisa's dilemma, I immediately thought about her.

It took me about two days to contemplate whether or not I should introduce the case to her.

"Heya, J"

"Unnie, it has been a while. How are you and how is your marriage?"

"Everything is fine. And Seulgi is the best in giving me my needs." She merely chuckled at my innuendo.



"Your relocation is finalized right?"

"Yes. I will be in Seoul next week. Why is there something wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"Well, I have a friend that is having a dilemma and I thought about you, maybe you could help?" There was a pause from her line.

"Sorry about that my secretary just entered with a document. Sure unnie there is no problem. But do you have any idea avout the case to be consulted?"

I then reiterated to her what Chae had told me about.

"Seems kinda complicated. I'll see to it once I arrive in Seoul next week."

"Ohhh, speaking of arrival, do you want me to pick you up?"

"That would be great unnie. And we can immediately catch up as soon as the plane lands. See you then!"

"See yah!" And we both hang up.

I remembered the entire conversation and I did not even give Jennie a hint on who was her supposed client would be.

Tomorrow Jennie would arrive and I can't believe what would happen when the both of them would already meet.

"Hon?" I flinched as soon as someone engulfed me in an embrace but soon relaxed as I heard the voice of the person that I love.

"So scared me." She just chuckled.

"I was just worried that you keep pacing back and forth. And biting your nails which indicates you are nervous. Is everything okay?" I sighed  before answering.

"Well you know about the situation that I unpurposely created right?"

"Hon. You are just helping. Let Jennie and Lisa deal with it professionally especially that she is in a state of dilemma that might affect the stand of her company. I am sure she would understand."

I clinged onto her and burried my face at the crook of her neck. God she smells so nice that it relaxes me.

"They have avoided it for so long anyways. If not for you, I am sure there are other circumstances that they could not avoid and wluld lead them to meet each other personally." I nodded in understanding.

As we pulled away, I looked into her eyes "you really know how to comfort me."

"I would be a bad wife if I didn't. Now come on we have longed the postponement of this activity. I missed you already." And she carried me in a bridal style going to our room. And you can guess what activity she meant by then.

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