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Another plan was supposed to commence today. It was last night where my wife Seulgi had briefed me what was supposed to happen.

"You ready?" She looked at me and beamed.
"Damn right I am! This would be the best summer that we will have. " she answered happily. "Make sure you could drag her to come, hon. It would be a bust if she won't be present, especially that Lisa willingly agreed that she would come."

Yup. I am once again in charge of Jennie. How I wish this charade would finally end as those two are tough nuts to crack. Too prideful to admit that their hearts still belong to each other.

Looking at my watch, Jennie would surely be in her office as of the moment. I decide to got see her.

"I gotta go then. Wish we luck will ya?" She went near me and lovingly gave me a peck. "All the best, honey." I just love it when she goes like that.



It was finally lunch time. Today was truly a busy one as many documents were already piled up in my desk. I decides to gather my bag and take a quick lunch nearby.

"Am I just in time for lunch?" I looked at the intruder. "Irene-unnie what are you doing here?"

"I was bored at home. I decided to visit you. You won't mind accompanying me for lunch would you?" She asked while pouting, how could you resist that.

"Okay, unnie. Let's go?" And she suddenly squealed.

Once we settled down and are waiting for our orders to arrive. I noticed Irene unnie staring deeply at me.

"Is there a problem, unnie? Do I have dirt in my face." She shrugged.

"Nope there is nothing on your face, you look spectacular."she paused for awhile before continuing.

"I was actually wondering if you would like to go with the squad?"

"Where are you guys going?"

"Well since it is summer time. The beach would be a great destination. Seulgi specifically suggested Jeju." It is a good idea. Jeju has one of the finest beach in the world.

"Well count me in. I cannot wait to catch up with the others." She nodded and beamed at me.

As we were eating a sudden question popped into mind



"How did you know that when you met Seulgi she was the one?" To say she was shocked hearing my question.

"You just know it I guess when you get there. When you feel the he or she is the person that would complete your day. That you need no one but her. And when your down his or her presence is enough to pull you up."

I nodded in understanding. Taking in the words that unnie had said by heart.

"Don't think too much Jen. Let it come to you." I smiled at her grateful for her wisdom. In times when I am in doubt having a friend like unnie makes everything clearer.

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