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After saving Jennie from Kris, I thought we would get past what had happened before. But after that confrontation we never had the chance to talk again.

"Lis!" She shouted frantically.

"Seulgs. What's the matter?"

"Didn't you hear?" She asked nervously.

"About?" I asked curious of what she was going to say.

"Well Jennie filed an early clearance and the school allowed hear. This just means she got her graduation diploma earlier than us. I heard she was transfer to the States and get a degree there." Upon hearing that I was suddenly unable to move.

"You are not kidding right?" I asked unable to fully grasp what she had said.

"Nope."  I tried to ring her phone but it was out of service. This can't be.

"Do you know where she is?" I insisted her wanting to reach Jennie immediately.

"Well, she was here earlier so I am guessing she is in the airport already since her flight will be this afternoon." With that, I immediately rushed out of school and made my way towards my car hoping that I could reach her in time.

Along the way the traffic wasn't of any help. The longer I get stuck in a pile of cars makes a second short in seeing my girl. My girl, how I wished Jennie would be mine.

Thirty minutes later, I finally arrived in the airport getting past security measures in the fastest way that I can. I rushed passed everyone speeding up in the fastest way that I could.

I then went in front of the information looking disheveled that the woman at me with pity. But then said "Good afternoon ma'am how can I help you?"

"Can you help me look for my friend Jennie Kim her flight is today?" I said almost out of breathe.

"I am sorry ma'am that would not be possible. We would be violating the policy of the airlines."

"How about the flight from Korea to the US?"

"For awhile ma'am." I was already in panic.  Please be here Jen. Don't leave me. "I am sorry ma'am the only flight to the United States just left minutes ago."

Upon hearing those words, I slumped down in the floor. My mind just suddenly went blank. She left me.


I decide to go back to school and finish the remaining classes this afternoon. I honestly am not in a mindful state as of the moment but I still pushed myself to attend.

"Lisa!" It was Seulgi. I turned to look at her "Did you see her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jennie." Hearing that name all I wanted to do was to forget about her anything that makes me remember of her.

"I don't know any Jennie. I will go ahead Seulgs." She looked dumfounded with what I had declared. I walked away ignoring her calling my name.

As I stepped out of school, I looked around for one last time. I decided from there on that I would go with life. High school is finally over, nothing stays and everyone changes.
Nothing is left for me to stay here.

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