Chapter 1

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Prakriti P.O.V

I started my journey to Hastinapur alone at the dawn. Dau insisted that I took a part of army with me for protection but I assured him that no one can harm me and I like to travel alone because it helps me save the most precious thing in the world that is time. I reached at the large entrance of Hastinapur, Soldiers were assigned there who were protecting the door. I could just use the entrance like other people but it will let the King knows that I am coming to his Kingdom and I would like to keep it secret for a while. I want to see this place, how it has changed . Because last time when I was here, King Dhritarashtra was only loving to his sons rather than whole Kingdom. He made some biased decision based on it. It was shame that a Kingdom like Hastinapur have a king who is blind not from outside but from inside as well. 

With that thought in my mind, I flew from the place towards the open sky without any one noticing me. I rarely use my elements and only used them when no one is watching. I don't want people to know about my powers and treat me any different. I saw the place with my own eyes, people were working, chatting, some of them were going towards the castle for the upcoming competition. Well, when the King's children were not around, he helped his Kingdom in developing. 

That's good thing to know.

I flew towards the arena where people were gathering and there was a large place in the middle for the purpose of competition. I sat on one of the pillar where I was away from every one eyes and have a good view of the field. I stared around me, people were gathered in large number to welcome their Princes in the Kingdom back with enthusiasm. My gaze went towards Aunt Kunti, she looked a little old but still beautiful, I joined my hands and greeted her in my mind. Then my gaze went towards Mahamahim Bhism who was sitting there with a posture, beside him was Prime Minister Vidur, his face shows the knowledge and wiseness he carries. I silently greeted them as well. At last my eyes fell on the King of this Kingdom who sat in the middle looking regal. Being blind, he never let this stop him to overcome his fear. But as time flew and he had a son, he suddenly changed into something else that nobody could recognize. Still I joined my hands and greeted him in my mind. He is still my elder no matter what and I can not forget my morals.

I wander my gaze at the corner of the field, there stood a man with long beard in sage clothes and a younger man who has a gem on his forehead, who resembles the sage, must be related. The younger man has a bow in his hand and at a distance there was a rotating machine which have all kuru children name on it. 


At the corner, I saw a short man, I recognize him instantly as Gandhara King. I thought Mahamahim threw him out of the Kingdom but I guess he came back when he got the news of his beloved nephew returns.

Just then young man with gem shot the arrow towards the machine and it stuck on the name of Dhuryohdhan. I made myself comfortable to watch the competition. Prince Dhuryohdhan arrived on elephant and showcase his strength. He changed from the arrogant kid to a strong man. He bowed his head and greeted his father. Crowd shouted in enthusiasm at the sight of their Prince.

Prince Dhuryohdhan went towards his uncle and they started talking in hushed tone, from the place I saw Gandhara King giving a signal to the younger boy with gem on his head. He shot the arrow and it stuck on the name Nakula. I smiled, Nakula is the elder son of Queen Madri and he was the most good looking from all of the Prince. He made an entrance from the sky riding on the eagle.

Oh, I forget, he can talk to animals.

They started fighting, Prince Nakula with his sword and Prince Dhuryohdhan with his mace. In the end, Prince Dhuryohdhan emerge victorious. Crowd started cheering and Prince Nakula slowly went towards the side, after greeting his elders, he sat on the chair on the side line.

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