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✨"Not until we are lost do we begin to understand everything." ✨

✨우리가 길을 잃기 전까지는 모든 것을 이해하기 시작하지 않는다."✨

|  Chapter 2: "You want war?" |

"Well then, welcome to Dwight, Seoul's best highschool ever made." A short man with glasses, probably too big for his face, says as he hands you the documents. "I hope you will study your best, and have a great time here."

You nod with a smile. "Don't worry sir, i will give 100% of me in studying."

"This school has a long years reputation, and is one of the hardest schools out there. But looking at your grades from middle and previous school, that wouldn't be a problem for you." While he's talking, he flips and looks at the papers, documents you got from previous school.

"I wish you luck, student." He says and finally places the class registration on the desk, ready for you to take it.
As you reach your hand and gently pull it, a hand slamms itself on the paper and stops you from taking it.

"Why am i in the same class?!" A male voice yells from beside you. Lifting your head, you find no one other that Mr. Idiot. He has his eyes locked on the principal, while the other one stars at the boy with slightly scared expression.

"It's already been decided." Principal explains. "I wanted to ask you, but you didn't come to school for days."
You try pulling the paper out of his grip, but as you do, boy moves his gaze on you.

His gaze wonders around your body, obviously annoyed by your presence after what happened outside. "Why are you here?" He asks. You nervously smile and point to the paper underneath his hand.

He spares a glance to the paper, quickly returning his eyes to you. "You want this?" He asks and you nod, hoping he will just give it to you and that you can leave this place right after. However, your hopes get crushed once he takes the document in his hands and ripes it in half.

"Hey!" You yell, but he already has his eyes back to principal, forgeting about your presence, like you never existed.

"Who told you you can make decisions on your own, huh?!" He yells at the principal once again.

"Hey, you! I don't know who you think you are, but this is no how anyone should behave. You ripped something that belonged to me, without any rights to!" You explode, letting your anger out through your words.

He turns to you. "It's not like your family owns this school so you are no one important. You should thank the school and principal for letting you  step a foot in this place!" You spit.

He just raises a brow. "Actually," a boy in the back, one who followed this arrogant creature earlier, speaks, you hearing his voice from the first time. "his family OPENED and OWNS this school. So basically, this is his school before anyone else's."

A little smirk creeps up on boy's lips, flashing you a 'know your place' look.
You, on the other hand, are lost at words. You didn't expect him to be a real deal, realising just now why all students were kissing his shoes and didn't dare to step in his bussiness. Because - you mess with him, you get expeled in an instant.

Mr. Prince, you are dead | | j.jk. x reader Where stories live. Discover now