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"I'm not everything I want to be, but I'm more than I was, and I'm still learning." - Charlotte Friksson💭

"나는 내가 원하는 모든 것이 아니지만, 나는 나보다 더 많으며 여전히 배우고 있습니다." - Charlotte Friksson 💭

|Chapter 35:"A kid care."|

Night time. Almost end of the shift.

Eunji is the last to go home out of everyone. Well, except you.

As a loyal and hardworking person, you express the grattitude towards your boss with staying behind and cleaning the place. Sometimes even she goes home before you.

It's one of those times again, you're finishing with cleaning the tables and just about to grab the keys and lock, a young woman comes running to you, panting heavily.

"I-I'm sorry to bother you, but could you look after him for some time? It's urgent." She speaks. Just then your gaze falls down, to notice a little boy staring up at you with huge eyes.

Seems like this woman really is in hurry, keeping an eye on a kid isn't supposed to be that hard, right?

"Of course, no worries." Woman's shoulders sink in relief and she lets go of her, possibly son's hand and pushes him close to you.

"Thank you so much, I owe you!" With that, she runs away and catches the first taxi available.

Who knows what happened for her to be in such a rush..

"Hi there," you speak gently and kneel in front of the kid, "what's your name?"

"Jeongsan." He answers shortly, keeping an eye contact with you.

"Nice to meet you, Jeongsan. I'm y/n."

Jeongsan shyly smiles. "You're pretty, can I kiss you?"

That sounds a little.. um.. but kids do not know for kiss on the lips right? He means cheek, probably.

"Haha sure." You reply and his smile jumps in tiny excitment. He leans close to your cheek and as he's about to touch it,

"Ooi, kid!" Instead of lips, a hand presses against your cheek. "Only I am allowed to do that."

Oh, I forgot to mention? Yup, Jungkook didn't leave the spot since he came this afternoon, constantly following you around with his eyes. He even waited for you to close before he would leave. Surprising thing, he was quiet and didn't bother much.

Jeongsan backs away and shots an annoyed glare towards the boy who's now standing beside you. The height difference is just.. Jeongsan is as tall as Jungkook's knees.

"Yah, stop protecting me! He's just a child." You comment towards Jungkook.

"Only I have the permission to kiss you, alright?" He exclaims.

With a roll of eyes, you take Jeongsan's hand and pull him towards one of the seats outside, since the weather is nice and place him on the high chair. "Should I make you a hot chocolate?"

Little boy nods and you playfully pat his head before turning towards Jungkook. "Be nice and watch over him for some minutes, understand?"

Mr. Prince, you are dead | | j.jk. x reader Where stories live. Discover now