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"Keep watering yourself until you feel like you again." 💭

"다시 기분이들 때까지 계속 물을주세요." 💭

|Chapter 33:"Reunion."|

"I'm sorry but, is this yours?"

You freeze in the spot, a very familiar voice travelling to your ears. A familiar, warm and relieved feeling falls off your heavy chest, instantly making it light as a feather.

You take time in turning around, doing it ever so slowly. Fear. What if he dissapears as soon as you turn? What if your ears are just bored so they thought of playing tricks on you?

But it's okay, all those thoughts and doubts vanish into thin air as soon as you get face to face with a person you were craving seeing for so long. He stands there, having a soft smile getting wider with more he looks at you. His palm opened and offered in front of you, something little lying on there. Your precious bunny keychain.

Know that feeling when you're not sure what to do because of your heart and mind arguing? Feeling like you're going to explode if you don't do something, even tho it's wrong? It's not the best one, is it?

So, what to do? Your heart is saying to jump in his arms, to feel his warmth and hear his heartbeat. To kiss him for every moment he spent away.
On the other hand, your mind is still sane, it's saying to walk away and not let yourself involved in his life again. It's for the best, isn't it?

Who to listen to here?

Forcing yourself to think about his safety, his happiness, with tears building up you grab the keychain from his hand and face another direction, walking ahead with fast pace.

Walking away is the most basic thing cowards do, instead of facing it all. But sometimes chosing to be a coward is better for both you and the other person.

"Hey, wait, no!"

In that very moment, loud sounds of shoes clapping against the ground is heard and it's not long before you get stopped in the spot, having a pair of arms wrapped around your shoulders from behind and securing them.

There's that wanted body warmth against your back.

"Jungkook, let me-"

"I finally found you and all you think about is walking away from me? Just like that?" His chubby cheek presses itself against your own, allowing his mind breath to dance it's way to your nose as he's talking.

"I know everything, you didn't do anything wrong, it's neither your or Taehyung's fault, okay? It happened and we can't do anything about it, but now you don't have to stay here. Let's go home, to Seoul. To Dwight."

It's pointless trying to get away from his firm hug. But is it just your imagination or did his voice got a bit more honey-like? You could listen to it the entire day and not get bored.

"I chose to come here and I'm staying, but thanks for the offer. Now please leave me alone."

"No." Jungkook fires straightly. "I'm not giving up until I see you in Seoul with me again."

He seems determinated, but you're already told what to do. "It's a no from me. Get back home and enjoy in your life."

"And you think I can do that without you? Didn't I make it clear that my happiness is with you, my girlfriend? We don't have to break our bond because of something that's not your fault."

Saying that, he moves his cheek away and presses his nose against the back of your head, snuggling in your hair and taking in the scent of a fruitty shampoo.

Just how much something is telling you to say yes and give in, as much something in deep is saying how wrong it is.

Taking his hands, you move them away from your shoulders and squeeze yourself out, turning around to look at Jungkook for one last time. What you hope is the last time.

"No is my final answer. Find someone else to be happy with, I'm clearly not the right person."

Flying those words out, you turn around and walk away from there, pretending like nothing happened but blinking away some faint tears. You've moved on, he will to. All you needed is to know that he's alright, but now comes the harder part - to forget everything between you.

Knowing the answer will remain the same, Jungkook decides not to follow behind, staying still and quiet on the spot and watching your shadow growing smaller as you seem to get more distant from him.

Thought he will give up?

Words obviously didn't work. But maybe actions will?


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