Prologue - Storms Together

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The storm-battered down on the small ship, it's soaked wooden hull took the full force of the waves below, it didn't stand a chance against the elements.

Aboard it was the Cheif and Chieftess of Berk, both with soaking wet fur robes and desperate determination to reach their destination.

They had with them, their one-month-old son, who was fast asleep laying in a basket wrapped in a thick fur blanket.

The small family were making the trip West to the Hidden World, the ancestral home of all dragons.

When their beloved son was born, an elder of their village had his future and told them that their son was no ordinary child.

It was long foretold by Viking elders and many civilisations in the northern archipelago that one day, a human child would be born with the abilities of all eleven dragon classes.

He would be known as The Dragon Prince, this young man would someday unite the dragon and human worlds together through Ice and Fire.

Valka and Stoick had never imagined that their son would be The Dragon Prince who would one day would bring the two worlds together.

Valka always knew there was another way to stop the fighting between her people and the dragons, she just never imagined, that her firstborn child would be the answer.

Stoick, on the other hand, thought this prophecy about a Dragon Prince was just a tall tale to scare him into stopping the fight.

He ever only thought this way because he was a Viking and it was well known that Vikings and Dragons had been at war since they first sailed to their home.

Valka was lost deep in thought, she had hoped to have more time with her son before they had to take him to the dragons, but alas a month had passed and she knew that they couldn't risk putting it off any longer.

Stoick was struggling to keep the ship steady, the wind alone was enough to snap the mast and the waves weren't in their favour.

" Valka are you sure we have to do this, the storm is only getting worse the further West we go," Stoick questioned, hoping his wife would tell him to turn around.

" No, we must do this Stoick!" Valka shouted to him, from her position undercover, watching the waves swell around them.

" If we don't, the dragons may come looking for him and destroy the village and we can't risk it." Her voice was drowned out by a huge clap of thunder, before them was a massive wave intimidating the small defenceless wooden vessel.

The ship Was lurched sideways, sending the basket carrying Hiccup overboard and into the dastardly swell.

"No, Hiccup!" Valka screamed as water spilled onto the deck knocking her off her feet and covering the whole ship, Stoick grabbed her before they were pulled underwater.

The wave flattened out as the rain continued to pelt down like sharp needles, but no ship emerged from the menacing swell, nor did the Chief of Cheiftess.

The basket, however, floated further South-east, pushed by the storm and away from the Hidden World.

~ Line Break ~

Light seeped through the crakes in the lid of the basket, the infant child Hiccup inside began crying, wanting his mother.

The basket seemed to be tangled in a fishing net, waves gently lapped at its side making it rock.

A small fishing boat came up alongside the basket, a young man around twenty hoisted it up and began untangling it from the fishing net.

He placed the basket on the floor of his boat and inspected it, he noticed that the basket had a lid and upon opening it he gasped.

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