Chapter 15 - A Talking Snowman

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Hiccup, Anna, Kristoph, and the dragons trekked up a mountain peak.

Anna turned to look at the landscape, she gasped when she spotted Arrendale down on the coast frozen solid.

" Arrendale." Kristoph and Hiccup stood behind her.

" It's completely frozen," Kristoph stated looking shocked, Hiccup gasped he had never seen such power before.

" It will be fine Elsa will thaw it." Hiccup said filling with hope, knowing she could.

" That's right she will." Anna agreed with him. Kristoph looked at the two of them.

" Will she?" He asked he wasn't too sure that Elsa would.

" Now come, this way to the north mountain?" Anna asked him while pointing in a direction.

" Anna it's more like that way." Hiccup told her while the trio looked up at a rock sticking up out of the cloud cover.

~ Line Break ~

A waterfall was frozen solid, it draped down a cliff and into a pond at its base.

Pine and willow trees surrounded it, making the most beautiful landscape.

Toothless, Sven, and Stormfly ran through the willow trees looking up at the crystals hanging from the leaves.

Kristoph ran his hand through the vines and made a tinkling sound.

Sven, Toothless and Stormfly looked at each other with a smirk and began jumping around making more noise.

Liry just rolled her eyes at the three of them, sometimes she felt so much like the mum of the group.

Anna, Hiccup, and Kristoph slowly walked further into the grove gaping at the beauty, Sven, Toothless, and Stormfly cane up behind them covered in willow vines.

" I didn't know winter could be so beautiful." Anna exclaimed gaping to the trees.

Suddenly a voice echoed behind them, they looked at the dragons, but they just shrugged.

" Yeah, it really is beautiful isn't it, but it so white." Anna, Hiccup, and Kristoph walked a few steps forward.

" How about some colour, I'm thinking crimson, chartreuse, oh yellow." A snowman walked up behind them and gasped.

" No not yellow, yellow and snow, ah no go." The snowman walked between the dragons and stood in the middle of the group.

" Am I right?" He asked the three humans.

" Ah!" Anna screamed and kicked its head off the body as he landed in Hiccup's hands.

" Hi." The snowman said to him, Hiccup looked at him.

" Your creepy." He threw the head at Kristoph, who threw it to Anna.

" I don't want it!" She said throwing it back at Kristoph.

" Come on it's just a head." Kristoph chucked it to Hiccup who soon noticed the body moving towards him.

" Eww the body." Anna screamed as Hiccup threw the head back at the body sending it into a snowbank.

" Oh, ok I think we got off to a bad start." The snowman said as he got up, Hiccup realised his head was upside down.

" Wait what am I looking at right now, why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?" He asked as Hiccup walked towards him.

" Ok hang on, wait one second." Hiccup spun his head around and sat it the right way up.

" Hiccup you do realise you're talking to a snowman right." Anna asked him.

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