Chapter 20 - The betrayal

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Stromfly ran as fast as she could with Toothless and Sven following behind, Anna held Hiccup in her arms.

He was barely able to keep his eyes open and every time Stormfly jolted he had a surge of cold pain burst through his body.

" Hang in there Hiccup we're almost there, come on girl faster!" Anna shouted at Stormfly who quickened at the tone of her riders voice.

Toothless and Olaf made their way to the docks, turning into town.

" We'll meet you guys at the castle!" Olaf shouted from Toothless' back.

" Stay out of sight Olaf!" Kristoph shouted to the snowman.

" Don't worry we will, hi." Olaf said disappearing into the village then he spotted women opening her door, who screamed when she saw the dragon and talking snowman.

The party ran through the village and up to the castle in a frantic, trying to get Hiccup somewhere warm.

The nadder slowed when they reached the gate and Kristoph helped Anna get Hiccup down from the dragon's back.

The guards waiting yelled to the staff members to come to the gate and open it.

" It's Princess Anna and Prince Hiccup!" They yelled across the courtyard.

Anna jumped down from Stormfly's back and ran to help Kristoph carry Hiccup, Anna looked up a Kristoph and smiled.

" Are you going to be ok?" Anna asked Kristoph who smiled and nodded.

" Anna don't worry about me, worry about Hiccup." Kristoph told her as the gates opened.

" Princess Anna, Prince Hiccup you two had us worried sick." Kia exclaimed reaching out to them.

" Quickly come in before you get any colder." The maids said looking at Hiccup.

" Please help Hiccup to a warm room and get him some blankets and soup." Anna said to the staff, she turned to look at Kristoph and Stormfly who just followed her in.

" I'll be fine, go keep him safe." Kristoph said as the gates closed and he was gone.

~ Line Break ~

Hans and the other leaders we're huddled in a room with the fire roaring, Hans was worried, if Anna wasn't at the ice palace then where is she.

"I'm going back out to look for them." He said heading for the door but was stopped by one of the ministers.

" If anything has happened to her." He began to say worried that Hiccup had harmed her.

" If anything has happened to the Princess or the Prince, you are all Arrendale has left." The Spanish minister exclaimed.

Hans was about to say something but got cut off by the doors opening to reveal Anna helping a weak Hiccup walk in.

Followed by a flock of servants carrying blankets, two small dragons and a frantic Stormfly.

" In here, this should be warm enough for you Prince Hiccup." The servant exclaimed as Hans rushed to help Anna carry Hiccup to the couch.

" Oh my, Anna what happened?" Hans asked her as she helped Hiccup sit down on the couch.

The servants wrapped the blankets around him, Hiccup lied down and closed his eyes.

" You are in so much trouble when we get home." The Fireworms quipped.

" I don't think we're going home." His body was aching all over and Flicker and Flame could only give him so much of their heat.

" Hans, I don't know, Elsa was going to strike me with her powers." Anna covered Hiccup in a blanket.

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