Chapter 21 - The Storm begins

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The Duke and the other dignitaries sat in the dining room shivering.

" It's getting colder by the minute if we don't do something soon we'll all freeze to death." The Duke rambled as Hans walked slowly into the room.

" Prince Hans where is Prince Hiccup?" The men asked.

" Prince Hiccup is dead." He said, false emotion dripping from his face.

" What happened to him?" The Duke asked helping the man to a chair.

" He was killed by Queen Elsa." He said anger growing on his face.

" No, his own girlfriend." The Duke said looking sad.

" At least he got to tell that his dragons we're going to stay here and that I was to bring the bad news to his family." The Prince said looking down.

" There can be no doubt now, Queen Elsa is a monster and we are all in grave danger." The Duke commanded.

" Prince Hans, Arrendale looks to you." The Spanish prince said to Hans.

" With a heavy heart, I charge Queen Elsa with treason and sentence her to death." Hans notified the dignitaries.

Little did they know that a staff member was hiding on the other side of the door listening to the conversation.

                     ~ Line Break ~

Elsa was still looking out the window from her cell she sighed and looked back at the walls.

Her magic was spreading from the shackles to the walls and making the wood creak as it spread.

She tried pulling on the chains, but they still wouldn't break.

Elsa stopped what she was doing and heard voices outside the cell, the door began to rattle due to them turning the key.

Elsa pulled harder on the chains as the whole room was covered in thick jagged ice.

The guards burst through the door and the roof collapsed in on them, when the dust settled Hans emerged from the back.

Elsa had broken free and the outside wall had a huge gaping hole leading to the outside world.

Hans grunted in rage and turned hoping to go after her.

                     ~ Line Break ~

Kristoph and Sven were walking up the hills just outside Arrendale, Sven turned around whining he didn't want to leave Hiccup or Anna.

He caught up to Kristoph and stood in front of him grunting, Kristoph stopped and looked at the reindeer.

" What is it, buddy, hey watch it." Kristoph asked as Sven tried pushing him back down the hill.

" What's wrong with you?" He asked Sven screamed and grunted in his face.

" I don't understand you when you talk like that ." Kristoph began walking away, but Sven picked him up in his antlers and threw him back in the direction of the Castle.

" Ah, stop it, Sven, put me down!" Kristoph shouted at the angry deer.

" No Sven, we're not going back, she's with her true love and Hiccup doesn't need our help now." Kristoph expressed.

Sven rolled his eyes just as the wind picked up and the two of them looked down at the town.

In the distance was a large flock of dragons and the whole town was soon covered in a huge snowstorm.

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