Chapter 23 - The Dragons of Arrendale

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The ships that were once trapped in the docks of Arrendale now sailed once again and we're leaving the Kingdom.

Hans and Johan were thrown into a cell on a ship and their heads hit the floor with a thud.

" I shall return these scoundrels to their countries and we shall see what Hans' twelve big brothers think of his behaviour." The French Prince told Kia who was flanked by Barf and Belch.

" Arrendale thanks you, my lord and I am sure Prince Hiccup will come to visit soon to sign a peace treaty." The man said as several palace guards ushered the Duke and his bodyguards.

" This is unacceptable, I am a victim of fear, I have been traumatized!" The Duke ranted to the guards.

" Ah, my neck hurts. Is there a doctor I can see, no." The Duke vrinked his neck to one side.

" I demand to see the Queen and the Prince!" He shouted just as Kai walked down the plank.

" Oh I have a message from the Queen and the Prince. " he unrolled a scroll and began reading.

" Arrendale and the Kingdom of Bewilder will henceforth and no longer do business of any sort with Weasletown." The staff member told the Duke smirking.

Barf blew some of her gas into the Duke's face and growled.

" It's Wesleton, Weselton!" The Duke yelled while coughing from his ship as the guards carried him to a cell.

                      ~ Line Break ~

Anna, Kristoph, Stormfly and Hookfang ran through the crowd of dragons and people.

Kristoph was blindfolded and completely unaware of what was happening.

" Come on, come on, come on," Anna said to the man pulling him along.

" Ok, I'm coming, ah pole!" He grunted as Anna pulled him into a pole.

" Oh sorry." Anna grabbed his hand again and pulled him further along, Stormfly and Hookfang rolled their eyes.

" Ok, ok, here we are." Anna pointed at something.

" Oh, there." Anna pulled the blindfold off his eyes and Kristoph blinked adjusting to the light.

" I owe you a sled," Anna said as Kristoph realised what he was looking.

Sven and Hookfang walked up to a highly decorated sled that had a big ribbon tied around the front and bright red guitar sitting on the front seat.

" Are you serious," Kristoph questioned still shocked.

" Yes, and it's the latest model. " Anna squealed shaking her hands.

" No, I can't accept this. " Kristoph said to her deserving a slap.

" You have to, no refunds, no exchanges, Queens orders." Anna pointed at him.

" Hiccup said he would add a harness to it so you can attach it to Hookfang's saddle," Anna said, she knew Hiccup was intuitive, but not as much as he was.

" She's named you the official ice master and deliverer," Anna told him as Sven and Hookfang looked proud with their new medallions hanging from their harnesses.

" What that's not a thing?" Kristoph stated to Anna who just shrugged.

" Oh sure it is and it even has a cup holder." Anna exclaimed.

" Do you like it?" Anna asked looking for any emotion in his face.

" Like it I love it." Kristoph lifted Anna up.

" I could kiss you." Kristoph soon realised what he had just said and place her back on the ground.

" Ah I could, I would like to, may I, we me, may we, wait, what?" Anna stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek.

" We may," Anna told him smiling, Kristoph surged forward and kissed her on the lips.

The dragons looked at them smiling, this was something they had been waiting for the whole damn adventure for.

                         ~ Line Break ~

Olaf was strolling through town with Flicker and Flame enjoying the sights.

" Summer!" He yelled as the fireworms fluttered above him snickered.

Olaf and the dragons noticed two buckets of flowers on the ground and stopped dead in their tracks.

" Oh, hello." Olaf leaned down and smelt the flowers, the fireworks copying his movements.

The snowman got back up and began to sneeze as did the dragons.

" Ahchoo!" Olaf's nose flew off his head and into Sven's mouth.

Olaf sighed in defeat and the fireworms comforted their friend glaring at the reindeer.

Sven ran forward and stuck Olaf's nose back on his head scattering the dragons, Olaf gasped excitedly hugging the reindeer's head eagerly.

                     ~ Line Break ~

Elsa and Hiccup stood in the centre of the courtyard holding hands, their dragons sitting beside them.

" Are you ready?" Elsa and Hiccup asked the townspeople who had several dragons flanking each one.

Elsa stamped her foot on the ground and it turned into an ice rink, the dragons slid slightly on the ice.

Everyone cheered in agreement, Hiccup and Elsa held their hands up together.

Their powers flew up into the sky and separated to explode into the snow and small fire sparks falling down to the rink below.

Everyone began skating around and playing with the dragons, children danced with the babies and the adults watched curiously.

Anna skated over to Elsa and Hiccup with Stormfly skidding behind her.

" I like the open gates," Anna said smiling at Elsa.

" And we are never closing them again," Elsa said twirling her hands.

Anna's shoes turned into ice skates and Hiccup's prosthetic and boot did the same.

" Oh Elsa they are beautiful, but you know I don't skate," Anna said as Stormfly pushed her forward.

" Elsa is this safe, what with my leg and, Ah!" Elsa pulled on his hands and he slid across the ice holding on tight to his girlfriend's arms.

" Come on do it." She said flinging Hiccup and Anna across the ice.

Toothless, Liry, and Stormfly shrugged and joined their riders in the fun.

" Look out Reindeer and dragon coming through!" Kristoph yelled to the group as Olaf came up behind Anna to help her.

" Oh, thank-you Olaf," Anna said to the snowman.

The whole of Arrendale was enjoying the fun and sun.

With the new additions Arrendale would have to expand and rebuild, but with the help of the dragons and Prince Hiccup Arrendale was heading for a bright future.

Hiccup and Elsa looked into the eyes of each other and smiled, this was their happily ever after and nothing was going to change it.

                         ~ Line Break ~

Marshmallow was hobbling back up the north mountain to the ice palace.

He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and saw several snow wraith's, groncicles, and artic speed stingers making themselves at home in alcoves and caves.

The dragons looked up at the snowman and warbled, they liked the snowman.

Marshmallow headed into the castle and up to the second floor.

Upon entering, he spotted Elsa's crown, put it on his head and smiled.

This made him happy and he knew now that he would never be alone.

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