Chapter 2 - The King of Dragons

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The convoy of dragons descended down to the ocean, gliding across the sparkling water.
The sky above was alive, the aroura dancing with the stars and the moon, as several Flightmares flew down to the convoy.

" Fire Queen, you've returned." The lead dragon bowed her head to the Flightmare beside her.

" I come with grand news, our Prince is here." Fire Queen gestured to the child in her arms and the Flightmare smiled.

A great waterfall dropped before them, spiralling into the earth's crust, as a cloud of mist erupted from its centre.
The Flightmares looked at Hiccup, who lay in the forearms of the Fire Queen, groaning slightly, but the pain he had been feeling was long gone.

" Dive." The Fire Queen roared at the rest of the flock and they swooped down into the waterfall.

They flew through a cavern filled with pillars of rock, each had thousands of glowing crystals jutting out of them and eggs resting on the very top.
The cavern opened up into a vast cave system hidden under the worlds ocean, you wouldn't even know it was there.

The cave was filled with coral-like plants and crystals as far as the eye could see.
Every imaginable dragon species that ever existed was flying around enjoying their home.

The flock flew to the centre of the cave where a large glowing salt crystal protruded from the ground.
Laying on the crystal was a huge dragon white dragon, he had tusk protruding from his face and a crown of spines.

His species was commonly referred to as the Bewilderbeast or Alpha, the King of Dragons.
The Fire Queen descended down to the crystal, landing below the King as she bowed her head.

" My King, I have returned." The Dragon Convoy followed their leader's example.

" At ease Fire Queen, it is good to see you," Bewilder spoke, his voice was powerful and strong.

" I have come with our gift." The Fire Queen furled her wings and smiled up at the King.

" Did you find him, did you find our Prince?" The King asked, the Fire Queen placed the child in front of her, she nudged the child coaxing him to wake up.

Hiccup slowly became conscious and sat up, rubbing his eyes, he looked around and took in his surroundings almost like a newborn dragon when he first hatched.

" Welcome home, my son." The King spoke in choppy Norwegian, Hiccup looked up at him with awe, but slight fear at his new surroundings.

" Where am I?" Hiccup held his hands to his chest in fear of his onlookers and surroundings.

" Welcome to the Hidden World my boy, you may refer to me as father or dad." Hiccup smiled slightly and looked at the giant dragon.

" You're my dad, wow you look really cool." The dragons near him chuckled, the Fire Queen nudged the young Prince telling him to move forward.

The King lowered his head, inspecting the child and noticed a necklace hanging down the front of his shirt.

" Fire Queen where did the necklace come from?" The Queen looked at Hiccup and shrugged, she had only just noticed the necklace and was just as confused.

" I don't know my king, maybe it came from the family we found him with." The bewilderbeast nodded in concern, but decided to leave it with that.

" Skullcrusher, did anyone follow the convoy?" A crimson red and moss green Rumblehorn landed next to the Fire Queen and bowed.

" No, my King, not a human in sight, " Bewilder nodded, before turning attention back to Hiccup.

He looked down at the boy who was being bombarded by baby dragons, growling he made the babies disperse from Hiccup.

" This will be your home now my child, you have free rain over the place." Hiccup looked around the huge cave and nodded with a smile.

" However, each day you must present your self to me so I can teach you how to control your powers." Hiccup nodded, he remembered a few hours before when his powers started to take control of him.

" You will be learning until you are old enough to control them yourself." The King commanded Hiccup who was slightly scared of his new father.

" Don't be afraid my son, it may take time for you to learn, but you'll get the hang of it." Hiccup nodded, his body stopped shaking and his markings returned to the light brown colour they were.

" One day you will unite the Dragon and Human worlds together." Hiccup had a wide smile across his face and surged forward to hug his new dad.

This caught the King of guard he had never felt such a feeling before and let the small child continue hugging him.

" Fire Queen I want you to care of my son, I want you to be his mother." The Queen nodded, she understood the path ahead of her.

" I will do my best your Highness." She bowed low in respect, smiling at Hiccup.

" The task ahead of him will be rough so support him as you would for your own. " The Queen knew she would have to care and nurture the child differently from her own, but her love for him would be the same.

" In the most unfortunate case that the fire within him is extinguished, you must be there to re-ignite it." The Fire Queen bowed and crooned telling her now son to come to her.

Hiccup stopped playing with the baby dragons and ran over to her jumping into her arms as she flew off.
This was just the beginning of the Prince's journey and hugging wasn't going to solve his future problems.

Even though he had spent five years living with a family that wasn't his birth.
He would now have to learn to control his powers, which had already begun to take control of his psyche and make him lose control.

Like fire, he had to learn how to control what was gifted to him.
The King knew that the family who had rescued him would be part of his future but is unaware of how.

For now, it was goodbye and a new Journey would begin.

~ Line Break ~

The Fire Queen landed in her nesting cave and allowed Hiccup to walk in front of her.
They soon reached the end of the cave and a nest made of stone with a thin layer of sheepskin fused to the inside.

The Queen sat down in it and allowed her son to sit in the crook of her tail which had curled into a seat.
She adjusted her son slightly and made sure he was comfortable, Hiccup looked back up at her with curiosity.

" If the King is my dad, do I call you mum?" He asked, the Queen smiled down at him.

" You may call me mother or mum if you like my son, I don't mind." Hiccup yawned which was an indication to his mother that he needed sleep.

She snuggled down close to him, she wanted to protect her son from all that would harm him.
Several of the smaller Fire worms came over and made themselves comfortable on the boy's chest and head, warming their new brother and Prince.

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